Flask-restplus 如何 post 没有 body

Flask-restplus how to post without a body

我想使用 POST 动词在具有 flask-restplus 的 VM 上执行操作,但是当没有 body 时它总是导致 400。

      'vmActionId': fields.Integer(required=True, description='The vmActionId of the VmAction'),
      'vmId': fields.Integer(required=True, description='The vmId of the VmAction'),
      'status': fields.String(required=True, description='The status of the VmAction',
                              enum=['NEW', 'REQUESTED', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'ERROR', 'COMPLETED']),
      'actionType': fields.String(required=True, description='The actionType of the VmAction',
                                  enum=['STOP', 'RESTART']),
      'createdAt': fields.DateTime(required=True,
                                   description='The createdAt datetime of the VmAction'),
      'completedAt': fields.DateTime(required=True,
                                     description='The completedAt datetime of the VmAction'),
  VM_ACTION_MODEL = api.model('VmAction', VM_ACTION_FIELDS)


      @vms_ns.route('/<int:vmId>/stop', endpoint='vmStop')
      class VmStopView(Resource):
          Stop a VM
          @api.marshal_with(VM_ACTION_MODEL, code=202)
          @api.doc(id='stopVm', description='Stop a Vm')
          def post(self, vmId):
              # do stuff 
              return vmAction, 202

结果是 400 { "message": "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand." }

如果我简单地从 post 更改为 get,它工作正常。但是,我真的想为此使用 POST 动词,因为这是我需要遵循的标准动词,用于自定义 non-CRUD 操作。我是不是用 flask-restplus 把自己逼到墙角了?

注意:对于需要 body 的操作,它工作正常。只有 bodyless flask-restplus post 空 body.

时出现 400 错误的操作

如果您将 content-type 设置为 application/json,我认为您 body 至少应该 {}。 如果要提交空负载,只需删除 content-type header.



  def before_request():
      """This is a workaround to the bug described at
      ctlen = int(request.headers.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))
      if ctlen == 0:
          request.headers.environ['CONTENT_TYPE'] = None