Strophe 不使用 javascript 调用 iq addHandler

Strophe does not invoke iq addHandler using javascript

我正在开发使用 Strophejs 与 XMPP openfire 连接的应用程序。问题是 presence 发送正确但 iq 处理程序从未被调用。我在浏览器中检查了控制台,但没有发现错误。

我想发送 presence 和 iq,这将使客户端登录到 openfire 的客户端会话(10 秒内自动关闭会话问题)。

这是我的 js:

function onConnect(status) {
if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNECTING) {
    alert('Strophe is connecting.');
    log('Strophe is connecting.');
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING) {
    alert ('status AUTHENTICATING');
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL) {
    alert ('status AUTHFAIL');
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.ATTACHED) {
  alert ('status ATTACHED');
} else if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL) {
    alert('Strophe failed to connect.');
    log('Strophe failed to connect.');
} else if (status == Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING) {
    alert('Strophe is disconnecting.');
    log('Strophe is disconnecting.');
} else if (status == Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED) {
    alert('Strophe is disconnected.');
    log('Strophe is disconnected.');
    reConnectTimer = setInterval(reConnect, 3000);
} else if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
    connection.addHandler(onOwnMessage, null, 'iq', 'set', null, null);
    connection.addHandler(onMessage, null, 'message', null, null, null);
    connection.addHandler(on_presence, null, 'presence', null, null, null);

    var pres = $pres({ to: 'myroom@support.myroom/' + Math.random() });

    alert('Strophe is connected.');
    log('Strophe is connected.');


function onOwnMessage(msg) {
//  console.log(msg);
alert('msg is: ' + msg);
var elems = msg.getElementsByTagName('own-message');
if (elems.length > 0) {
    var own = elems[0];
    var to = $(msg).attr('to');
    var from = $(msg).attr('from');
    var iq = $iq({
        to: from,
        type: 'error',
        id: $(msg).attr('id')
    }).cnode(own).up().c('error', { type: 'cancel', code: '501' })
    .c('feature-not-implemented', { xmlns: 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas' });
return true;



您的代码来自,这是使用Strophe.js连接到facebook聊天的示例代码。 我想您会基于自己的 XMPP 服务器创建一个简单的聊天(例如,使用 post 中的标签所述的 Openfire)。 在这种情况下,您不需要 IQ 处理程序:

connection.addHandler(onOwnMessage, null, 'iq', 'set', null, null)

onMessage 和 on_presence 处理程序就足够了,可以像下面的代码:

function onMessage(msg) {
    var to = msg.getAttribute('to');
    var from = msg.getAttribute('from');
    var type = msg.getAttribute('type');
    var elems = msg.getElementsByTagName('body');

    if (type == "chat" && elems.length > 0) {
        var body = elems[0];
        console.log('CHAT: I got a message from ' + from + ': ' + Strophe.getText(body));
    // we must return true to keep the handler alive.  
    // returning false would remove it after it finishes.
    return true;

function on_presence (presence){
    var presence_type = $(presence).attr('type'); // unavailable, subscribed, etc...
    var from = $(presence).attr('from'); // the jabber_id of the contact
    console.log('   >'+from+' --> '+presence_type);
    if (presence_type != 'error'){
        if (presence_type === 'unavailable'){
          // Mark contact as offline
          var show = $(presence).find("show").text(); // this is what gives away, dnd, etc.
          if (show === 'chat' || show === ''){
            // Mark contact as online
            // etc...
    return true;


function sendMessage(msg, to) {
    console.log('CHAT: Send a message to ' + to + ': ' + msg);
    var m = $msg({to: to, from: connection.jid, type: 'chat'}).c("body").t(msg);

function setStatus(s) {
    console.log('setStatus: '+s);
    var status = $pres().c('show').t(s);