CPLEX OPL:确保满足需求到期日的约束

CPLEX OPL: Constraint that ensures demand due dates are met

我有一个 CPLEX OPL 模型,可以最小化城市间货物的总运输成本。 x 是我的主要(整数)决策变量。下面提到的所有其他变量都是整数。我想为这个模型添加截止日期。这意味着时间 t(例如 3)的需求必须在 1 到 t(例如 1 到 3)期间运输。但是,我无法在 1 到 t 期间求和。

subject to {
  // Satisfy demands before due date
  forall(i,j in City, t in Times)
        sum(m in Mode, v in Vehicle, s in 1..t) x[m][i][j][v][s] == sum(s in 1..t) Demand[s][i][j];


range City=1..4;

range Times=1..3;

range Mode=1..2;

range Vehicle=1..2;

int Demand[Times][City][City];

dvar int x[Mode][City][City][Vehicle][Times] in 0..10;

subject to {

// Satisfy demands before due date

forall(i,j in City, t in Times)


    sum(m in Mode, v in Vehicle, s in 1..t) x[m][i][j][v][s] 

  == sum(s in >  1..t) Demand[s][i][j];


