Diameter 协议中的 Notif-Eff 功能是什么?

what is Notif-Eff feature in diameter protocol?

我最近开始研究直径协议 Sh 接口。 在 TS 29.328,第 节中,它给出为

5. HSS 应在用户数据 AVP 中包含与请求的数据参考相关的数据,如果 HSS 支持 Notif-Eff 功能,

我不明白什么是 Notif-Eff 功能。我在 RFC 3588 和 RFC 6733 中搜索了这个术语,但找不到任何相关信息。

你能告诉我什么是 Notif-Eff 功能吗?

您可以在 3GPP TS 29.329 V9.2.0, section 7.1 - Version Control 中找到 Notif-Eff 描述。


This feature is applicable to the UDR / UDA and SNR / SNA command pairs. If both the HSS and the AS support this feature and if multiple subscriptions to notifications are associated with a Public User Identity, the HSS may combine the notifications for multiple Data References and Service Indications into a single notification message. Similarly the User Data Request / Answer will allow multiple data references and Service Indications and Identity Sets. The User Data Answer will be able to combine DataReference items resulting in the User Data Answer contents including a single XML document with the separable XML sections populated. Additionally, this feature allows concurrent subscriptions to different Identity Sets