Python 一些转义序列不起作用

Python some escape sequences do not work



# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

tabby_cat = "\tI'm tabbed in."
persian_cat = "I'm split \non a line."
backslash_cat = "I'm \ a \ cat."

fat_cat = '''
I'll do a list:
\t* Cat food
\t* Fishies
\t* Catnip\n\t* Grass

print tabby_cat
print persian_cat
print backslash_cat
print fat_cat

#while True:
#   for i in  ["/", "-", "|", "\", "|"]:
#       print "%s\r" % i,

print "This should ring a bell \a"
print "Does this have a backspace\b"    
print "Printing \"double quotes\" and some \'single quotes\'"    
print "Formfeed.\fWill this work?"    
print "Linefeed.\nWill this work?"    
print "Print the character named name: \N{name}"    
print "Print a carriage return.\rWill this work?"    
print "A 16 bit unicode character: \u6C34"    
print "Let's check this vertical tab: \v\vWhat is this?"
print "This should output an octal value: 1"
print "This should output a hex value: \xAA"


    I'm tabbed in.
I'm split 
on a line.
I'm \ a \ cat.

I'll do a list:
    * Cat food
    * Fishies
    * Catnip
    * Grass

This should ring a bell 
Does this have a backspace
Printing "double quotes" and some 'single quotes'
         Will this work?
Will this work?
Print the character named name: \N{name}
Will this work?e return.
A 16 bit unicode character: \u6C34
Let's check this vertical tab: 

                               What is this?
This should output an octal value: I
This should output a hex value: �




print u"Print the character named name: \N{BLACK SPADE SUIT}"
print u"A 16 bit unicode character: \u6C34"

Print the character named name: ♠
A 16 bit unicode character: 水

\a\b 序列工作得很好,但您的 终端 可能会随意忽略它们。这些序列只是创建十六进制值分别为 07 和 08 的字节的别名:

>>> '\a'
>>> '\b'


一些终端会闪烁而不是响铃;这通常是可配置的。在我的终端上 \b 可以很好地移动光标;它不会删除前面的字符。当您在其后添加更多文本时,位置的变化就会变得可见:

>>> print 'abc\b'
>>> print 'abc\bd'

d 覆盖了 c 字符,因为退格字符将光标位置移回了一个位置。

Unicode 转义序列仅适用于 Unicode 字符串,使用 u'...' 文字:

>>> print "A 16 bit unicode character: \u6C34"
A 16 bit unicode character: \u6C34
>>> print u"A 16 bit unicode character: \u6C34"
A 16 bit unicode character: 水
>>> print u"Print the character named: \N{CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-6C34}"
Print the character named: 水

请注意,它还取决于您的终端(控制台)是否真的支持打印的 Unicode 代码点!