虚拟继承是否强制基 class 是默认可构造的?

Does virtual inheritance force a base class to be default constructible?

在下面的代码中,编译器要求基 class X默认可构造的。但是,如果我从 class 节点 的继承中删除 virtual 关键字,则对成员 的访问m_x 当然变得模棱两可,但是 默认构造函数 for class X 不是需要更长的时间。


#include <iostream>

struct Apply
    template< typename T >
    struct Node : virtual T    // this line contains the virtual inheritance
        template< typename ...Args>
        Node( Args... args )
            : T( args... )

    template < typename ...BaseClasses>
    struct Inheritance;

    template < typename FirstBaseClass, typename ...OtherBaseClasses>
    struct Inheritance< FirstBaseClass, OtherBaseClasses... >   : FirstBaseClass
            , Inheritance< OtherBaseClasses... >
        template< typename ...Args>
        Inheritance( Args... args )
            : FirstBaseClass( args... )
            , Inheritance< OtherBaseClasses... >( args... )


template < >
struct Apply::Inheritance< >
    template< typename ...Args>
    Inheritance( Args... args ){}

struct X
    X(int i){}

    int m_x;

struct A : Apply::Node< X >
    A( int i )
        : Apply::Node< X >( i )
        , m_a( i )

    int m_a;

struct B : Apply::Node< X >
    B( int i )
        : Apply::Node< X >( i )
        , m_b( i )
    { }

    int m_b;

struct C : Apply::Node< X >
    C( int i )
        : Apply::Node< X >( i )
        , m_c( i )
    { }

    int m_c;

struct Example : Apply::Inheritance< A, B, C >
    Example( int i )
        : Apply::Inheritance< A, B, C >( i )
    { }

    void print( ) const
        // this line needs the virtual inheritance
        std::cout << m_x << std::endl;

        std::cout << m_a << std::endl;
        std::cout << m_b << std::endl;
        std::cout << m_c << std::endl;

int main()
    Example ex( 10 );

    ex.print( );

    return 0;

class 的初始化顺序如下 [class.base.init]:

In a non-delegating constructor, initialization proceeds in the following order:
— First, and only for the constructor of the most derived class (1.8), virtual base classes are initialized in the order they appear on a depth-first left-to-right traversal of the directed acyclic graph of base classes, where “left-to-right” is the order of appearance of the base classes in the derived class base-specifier-list.

您的层次结构是 A --> Node<X> --> X,因此首先要初始化的是 X,因为它是一个虚拟基础 class。它未在您的内存初始化程序中指定,因此插入了隐式默认构造:

A( int i )
    : X() // <== implicit 
    , Node< X >( i )
    , m_a( i )


因为 X 不是默认可构造的,所以你会得到那个错误。您可以通过明确提供正确的内容来解决此问题:

A( int i )
    : X(i)
    , Node< X >( i )
    , m_a( i )

您不必担心 X 被构造两次,因为虚拟基础 classes 仅针对 most 派生 class...这将是 A 而不是 Node<X>.

从@Berry 的回答开始,修复代码的唯一方法是对虚拟继承的 X 构造函数进行显式调用。

但是,在classesAB中显式调用X的构造是不够的,或者C: 基本上在每个class涉及的任何层次的继承中都必须调用!

棘手的是 Inheritance<> 可变参数模板 class:可变参数扩展的每一步都必须提供对 X 构造函数的显式调用。

这是在启用了 C++11 标志的 MinGW 4.9.2 上运行的代码:

#include <iostream>

template< typename T, typename V >
struct Node : virtual V
    using Virtual = V;    // Added this line

    template< typename ...Args >
    Node( Args... args )
        : V( args... )
    { }

template < typename ...BaseClasses>
struct Inheritance;

template < typename FirstBaseClass, typename ...OtherBaseClasses>
struct Inheritance< FirstBaseClass, OtherBaseClasses... >
        : FirstBaseClass
        , Inheritance< OtherBaseClasses... >
    template< typename ...Args>
    Inheritance( Args... args )
        : FirstBaseClass::Virtual( args... )    // added this line
        , FirstBaseClass( args... )
        , Inheritance< OtherBaseClasses... >( args... )
    { }

template < >
struct Inheritance< >
    template< typename ...Args >
    Inheritance( Args... args )
    { }

struct X
    X(int i)
        : m_x( i )
    { }

    int m_x;

struct A : Node< A, X >
    A( int i )
        : X( i )    // added this line
        , Node< A, X >( i )
        , m_a( i )
    { }

    int m_a;

struct B : Node< B, X >
    B( int i )
        : X ( i )    // added this line
        , Node< B, X >( i )
        , m_b( i )
    { }

    int m_b;

struct C : Node< C, X >
    C( int i )
        : X ( i )    // added this line
        , Node< C, X >( i )
        , m_c( i )
    { }

    int m_c;

struct Example : Inheritance< A, B, C >
    Example( int i )
        : X ( i )    // added this line
        , Inheritance< A, B, C >( i )
    { }

    void print( ) const
        // this line needs the virtual inheritance
        std::cout << m_x << std::endl;

        std::cout << m_a << std::endl;
        std::cout << m_b << std::endl;
        std::cout << m_c << std::endl;

int main()
    Example ex( 10 );

    ex.print( );

    return 0;