为任意基于 Int 的枚举定义 Swift 协议

Defining a Swift Protocol for Arbitrary, Int-based Enums


enum Color : Int
    case Red = 0
    case Green
    case Blue

    case Cyan
    case Magenta
    case Yellow

    static func random() -> Color
        return Color(rawValue: Int(arc4random_uniform(6)))!

    func shifted(by offset:Int) -> Color
        return Color(rawValue: (self.rawValue + offset) % 6)!
        // Cyclic: wraps around

(这让人想起旧的枚举只是 int 常量)

问题是,我有几个其他基于 int 的枚举,我想在其中引入类似的功能,但不会重复代码。

我想我应该在 RawRepresentable 上定义一个协议扩展,其中 RawValue == Int:

extension RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int


理想情况下,我想要一个返回案例数量的静态方法,并提供上面 random()shifted(_:) 的默认实现,将其考虑在内(而不是硬-此处编码为 6)。

结论:我接受了. Even though 正是我所要求的,结果我所要求的毕竟不是最优雅的设计,而且另一个答案提出了一种更好的方法。尽管如此,我还是赞成这两个答案;谢谢大家

您应该扩展您的自定义协议而不是 RawRepresentable。试试这个:

protocol MyProtocol {
    static var maxRawValue : Int { get }

    static func random() ->  Self
    func shifted(by offset: Int) -> Self

enum Color : Int, MyProtocol
    case Red = 0
    case Green
    case Blue

    case Cyan
    case Magenta
    case Yellow

    // The maximum value of your Int enum
    static var maxRawValue: Int {
        return Yellow.rawValue

extension MyProtocol where Self: RawRepresentable, Self.RawValue == Int {
    static func random() -> Self {
        let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(Self.maxRawValue + 1)))
        return Self(rawValue: random)!

    func shifted(by offset: Int) -> Self {
        return Self(rawValue: (self.rawValue + offset) % (Self.maxRawValue + 1))!

let x = Color.random()
let y = x.shifted(by: 1)

你快到了。您只需要来自 .

的 Nate Cook 的病例统计代码
extension RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int {
    // See http://natecook.com/blog/2014/10/loopy-random-enum-ideas/
    static var caseCount: Int {
        var max: Int = 0
        while let _ = self.init(rawValue: ++max) {}
        return max

    static func random() -> Self {
        return Self(rawValue: Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(caseCount))))!

    func shifted(by offset:Int) -> Self {
        return Self(rawValue: (self.rawValue + offset) % self.dynamicType.caseCount)!
        // Cyclic: wraps around