
Breaking the Caesar Cipher with brute force


def rotated(n: int):
    '''Returns a rotated letter if parameter is greater than 26'''
    ALPHABET = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    if n >= 26:
        n %= 26
    return ALPHABET[n:26] + ALPHABET[:n]
assert rotated(0) == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
assert rotated(26) == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

def Caesar_decrypt(text: str, key: int) -> str:
    '''Returns a decryption of parameter text and key''' 
    text = text.lower()
    key_to_zero = str.maketrans(rotated(key),rotated(0))
    return text.translate(key_to_zero)


def Caesar_break(code: str)-> str:
    'Decrypts the coded text without a key'
    file = open('wordlist.txt', 'r')
    dic = []
    dlist = file.readlines()
    wl = []
    l = []
    cl = []
    swl = []
    sw = ''
    for words in code:
        if words.isalnum() or words.isspace():
            l.append(' ')
    Ncode = ''.join(l)
    codelist = Ncode.split()

    high = 0
    for i in range(1,27):
        highesthit = 0
        hit = 0
        out = Caesar_decrypt(Ncode, i)
        e = 0
        l = 0
        while l < len(dlist):
            l += 1
        while e < len(dic):
            if out == dic[e]: 
                hit += 1
                e += 1
        if hit > highesthit:
                high = i
                highesthit = hit
    return(Caesar_decrypt(Ncode, high))


注意:"wordlist.txt"是我们下载下来的文档,里面有字典里的所有单词。 Here是link供参考。

Caesar_break 代码应该像这样工作:

Caesar_break('amknsrcp qagclac') == 'computer science'

如果您确定密文是用 ceaser (x+3)mod25 加密的,您可以只浮动字母。我会先将所有文本设为小写。然后获取所有字符的 asci 值。比如asci(a)=97,让97-97=0;对于 b 使其成为 98-97=1.Then 我会制作 2 个数组,1 个用于字符,1 个用于字符的整数值....


# most to least common characters in English according to
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_frequency

然后,破解凯撒密码的最快方法是在加密短语中创建一个 collections.Counter 字母,找到最常见的一对,并假设每个字母(依次)是 e。从那里计算你的差异,并应用解密密码。测试一下是不是有效的英文,哒哒!

import collections

def difference(a: str, b: str) -> int:
    a, b = a.lower(), b.lower()
    return ord(b) - ord(a)

def english_test(wordlist: "sequence of valid english words",
                 text: str) -> bool:
    """english_test checks that every word in `text` is in `wordlist`"""
    return all(word in wordlist for word in text)

def bruteforce_caeser(text: str) -> str:
    with open('path/to/wordlist.txt') as words:
        wordlist = {word.strip() for word in words}
        # set comprehension!
    c = collections.Counter(filter(lambda ch: not ch.isspace(), text))
    most_common = c.most_common()  # ordered by most -> least common
    for ch, _ in most_common:
        diff = difference('e', ch)
        plaintext = Caeser_decrypt(text, diff)
        if english_test(wordlist, plaintext):
            return plaintext


Judy I don't think it's right for you to contact such a marksman as this man, for without warning this marksman could shoot and kill you.