使用 Nightwatch.js 测试经过身份验证/未经身份验证的下载链接

Testing authenticated / unauthenticated download links with Nightwatch.js

我知道这里有一个非常相似的问题:Testing download links with Nightwatch.js,但这种情况略有不同。

我也在尝试使用 nightwatch 测试下载,但由于浏览器的行为向用户显示了一个弹出窗口 window,这并不是那么简单。

我想做的是只用节点下载文件,而不是使用 selenium(如这个 python 版本:)


downloadFile.js :

var util = require('util');
var http = require('http');
var url = require('url');

exports.assertion = function(options, expected_status, msg) {
  this.message = msg || util.format('Testing if authenticated file download works');
  this.file_url = options.file_url;
  this.cookie_content = options.cookie_content;
  this.expected = expected_status;
  this.pass = function(value) {
    return this.expected == value

  this.value = function(response) {
    return response.statusCode;

  this.command = function(callback) {
    var options = url.parse(this.file_url);
    options.headers = {
      'Cookie': this.cookie_content
    http.get(options, callback);
    return true;



// I would not use this here, but I added this for this post...
"Get cookie": function(browser) {
  var settings = browser.globals;
  var state = browser.globals.state;

    .getCookies(function(response) {
      state.sessionid = "sessionid=" + response['value'].filter(function(cookie_value){
        return cookie_value['name'] == 'sessionid';

"An authenticated user can download the file": function(browser) {
  var settings = browser.globals;
  var state = browser.globals.state;

    .assert.downloadFile({file_url: "http://example.com/somefile.pdf", cookie_content: state.sessionid}, 200, "Testing Authenticated download");

"An unauthenticated user can not download the file": function(browser) {
  var settings = browser.globals;
  var state = browser.globals.state;

    .assert.downloadFile({file_url: "http://example.com/somefile.pdf", cookie_content: "sessionid= wrong-session;"}, 302, "Testing Unauthenticated dowload");


它正在 "almost" 工作,但不知何故测试 "stops" 在第一次测试之后,就在第一次 downloadFile 断言之后。


nightwatch -c ./nightwatch.json --test tests/documents/upload_test.js

[Upload Test] Test Suite
Setting up...

Running:  Get cookie 

No assertions ran.

Running:  An authenticated user can download the file 

✔  Testing Authenticated dowload

在守夜人中做出这种断言可以吗? 为什么它会停止测试?




这是 downloadFile.js 断言:

var util = require('util');
var http = require('http');
var url = require('url');

exports.assertion = function(options, expected_status, msg) {
  this.message = msg || util.format('Testing if authenticated file download works');
  this.file_url = options.file_url;
  this.cookie_content = options.cookie_content;
  this.expected = expected_status;
  this.pass = function(value) {
    return this.expected == value

  this.value = function(response) {
    return response.statusCode;

  this.command = function(callback) {
    var options = url.parse(this.file_url);
    options.headers = {
      'Cookie': this.cookie_content
    http.get(options, callback);
    return this;
