'Cannot do a comparison query for type: PFRelation' Swift

'Cannot do a comparison query for type: PFRelation' Swift

我正在尝试查询我的应用程序中尚未添加为 "Friend" 的所有现有用户。我收到错误

Cannot do a comparison query for type: PFRelation


 override func queryForTable() -> PFQuery {

    let currentFriends : PFRelation = PFUser.currentUser()!.relationForKey("friends")

    // Start the query object
    let query = PFQuery(className: "_User")
    query.whereKey("username", notEqualTo: currentFriends)

    // Add a where clause if there is a search criteria
    if UserInput.text != "" {
        query.whereKey("username", containsString: UserInput.text)

    // Order the results

    // Return the qwuery object
    return query


我解决了我的问题....在某种程度上。我无法比较 PFRelation,所以我创建了一个帮助程序 Parse class,它将添加其他用户的用户保存为 "from",将他们添加的用户保存为 "to",然后我可以进行比较他们喜欢这样。

let currentUser = PFUser.currentUser()?.username

    let currentFriends = PFQuery(className: "Friends")
    currentFriends.whereKey("from", equalTo: currentUser!)

    // Start the query object
    let query = PFQuery(className: "_User")
    query.whereKey("username", doesNotMatchKey: "to", inQuery: currentFriends)
