JAVA 中的对象引用和类型转换

Object references and typecasting in JAVA



MyClass car = new MyClass();

VW vw = (VW)car; //Expecting to get a blue VW.
vw.topSpeed = 220;

//Will car have the top speed set now? If topSpeed is a part of the Car object.

Do I still work on the same object data after a typecast of the data?


请注意,在您的示例中,要使转换成功,VW 必须是 MyClass 的超类或接口 MyClass 实现,例如:

class MyClass extends VW // or extends something that extends VW

class MyClass implements VW


class Base {
    private int value;

    Base(int v) {
        this.value = v;

    public int getValue() {
        return this.value;

    public void setValue(int v) {
        this.value = v;

class Derived extends Base {
    Derived(int v) {


Derived d = new Derived(1);
System.out.println(d.getValue());  // 1
Base b = d;                        // We don't need an explicit cast
b.setValue(2);                     // Set the value via `b`
System.out.println(d.getValue());  // 2 -- note we're getting via `d`
Derived d2 = (Derived)b;           // Explicit cast since we're going more specific;
                                   // would fail if `b` didn't refer to a Derived
                                   // instance (or an instance of something
                                   // deriving (extending) Derived)
System.out.println(d.getValue());  // 3 it's the same object
System.out.println(b.getValue());  // 3 we're just getting the value from
System.out.println(d2.getValue()); // 3 differently-typed references to it