tutum 构建后图像不存在

Image not there after tutum build




Build summary

Using docker-in-docker
Building mounted app in /app
Image built in 5 minutes and 40 seconds
Tests passed in 4 minutes and 21 seconds
Image quickstart-python pushed in 0 minutes and 0 seconds

如果我然后切换到 https://tutum.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/5000539697 它说图像不存在:

> tutum image push quickstart-python
Pushing quickstart-python to Tutum private registry ...
Tagging quickstart-python as tutum.co/shredding/quickstart-python ...
404 Client Error: Not Found ("could not find image: no such id: quickstart-python")

如果我运行 docker images我也看不到


我在 docker 构建 && docker 推送命令中结束了构建。