使用 System.Exception 在 BizTalk 中捕获挂起的消息

Catching a suspended message in BizTalk with System.Exception

在我的 BizTalk 业务流程中,我正在尝试捕获一条挂起的消息以关闭 Web 服务器。

我已经捕获了服务器故障的操作,我的下一个任务是在 Web 服务器关闭的情况下捕获消息。我目前正在使用 System.Exception 错误来捕获消息,然后我使用错误名称。将消息插入日志记录的消息 table.

此过程有效,但消息在 BizTalk 中仍处于暂停状态。由于我已经有了我想要从故障中收集并记录的信息,下一步是什么而不让消息在 BizTalk 中显示为暂停?


Using Failed Message Routing

The error-handling facility allows the designer to designate automated handling of messaging failures as an alternative to the traditional (now default) behavior of placing failed messages in the Suspended queue. This automated handling routes an error message to any subscribing routing destination, such as a send port or orchestration. The error message is a clone of the original message with all previously promoted properties now demoted and with selected properties related to the specific messaging failure promoted to the message context.
