内部服务器错误中的 GID 是什么?

What is GID in Internal Server Error?

在服务器方面,我完全是个菜鸟。我正在尝试登录 WHM,但出现此错误:



无法为 root 获取 uid 或 gid

我现在的问题是,"gid" 是什么?我成像 "uid" 是 "User ID" 的缩写。我在 Google 上进行了广泛的搜索,但是对于 "gid" 我一无所获。真尴尬,我觉得我问的问题的答案会是 "Let me Google that for you".....


Linux: Changing UIDs and GIDs for a user 会注意到 UID 是 "User Identifier",GID 是 "Group Identifier"

Wikipedia 有这个位:

A group identifier, often abbreviated to GID, is a numeric value used to represent a specific group. The range of values for a GID varies amongst different systems; at the very least, a GID can be between 0 and 32,767, with one restriction: the login group for the superuser must have GID 0. This numeric value is used to refer to groups in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files or their equivalents. Shadow password files and Network Information Service also refer to numeric GIDs. The group identifier is a necessary component of Unix file systems and processes.

UID Link供参考。