如何编写一个函数来对 n 维向量进行点积?

How to write a function to do the dot product on n-dimensional vector?

首先,这里有一个关于 dot product 是什么的简短提示。


 let x = Vector<Double>(dimensions: 3)
 let y = Vector<Double>(dimensions: 3)

 //assign some values (coordinates) to x and y

如何将 dotProduct 实现为 class 方法?


func dot(vector: Point<T>) -> Double {
    var sum: Double = 0.0
    for index in 0...vector.size {
       sum += sum + vector[index] * point[index]


error: cannot invoke '*' with an argument list of type '(@lvalue T, $T14)'

func dot:

 func dot(vector: Point<T>) -> T {
    var sum = 0 as T

    for index in 0..<point.count{

        sum += vector[index] * point[index]

    return sum

更新 4:


class Vector<T: SummableMultipliable> {
    var dimensions: Int
    var coordinates: [T]

    init(dimensions: Int) {
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.coordinates = [T](count: dimensions, repeatedValue: 0 as T)

    func dotProduct<T>(vector: Vector<T>) -> T {
        assert(self.dimensions == vector.dimensions, "Vectors don't have the same dimensions.")

        //as @AirspeedVelocity suggested:
        return reduce(Zip2(self.coordinates, vector.coordinates), 0) { sum, pair in sum + pair.0 * pair.1 }

        //the old version:
        /*var sum: T = 0

        for dimension in 0..<self.dimensions {
            sum = sum + (self.coordinates[dimension] as T * vector.coordinates[dimension])

        return sum*/

protocol SummableMultipliable: Equatable, IntegerLiteralConvertible {
    func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
    func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self

extension Int: SummableMultipliable { }
extension Double: SummableMultipliable { }

var x = Vector<Int>(dimensions: 3)
var y = Vector<Int>(dimensions: 3)

x.coordinates[0] = 3
x.coordinates[1] = 2
x.coordinates[2] = 1

y.coordinates[0] = 3
y.coordinates[1] = 2
y.coordinates[2] = 1

println(x.dotProduct(y)) //prints 14