Visual Basic 简单纸牌游戏。在编写评分过程时遇到问题 - 初学者

Visual Basic Simple Card Game. Having problems with coding the scoring process - Beginner


我正在尝试编写一个程序来记录一个简单的两人游戏的分数(52 张牌,13 个可能的名字各有 4 个,所以没有王牌)。 Jack, Queen, King 和 Ace 是我的大牌,有了它们,两个玩家中的一个可以得分。牌组必须洗牌(从牌列表中随机 select)。玩家 1 先转动一张牌,然后是玩家 B,依此类推。一张牌一旦使用,就不能重复使用,所以一旦拉出 52 张牌,游戏就结束了。本场比赛计分如下:

它长什么样子? When a player button is clicked, a card name will show up in the corresponding listbox (listbox to the left for player 1 and listbox to the right for player 2). Restart button to restart program. Close button to close the program and the scores will be displayed in the bottom left in the corresponding players' label as the game goes on and a player scores.



Public Class Form1

'Variable (make a list)

Dim cards As New List(Of String) From {"two", "two", "two", "two", "three", "three", "three", "three", "four", "four", "four", "four", "five", _
                         "five", "five", "five", "six", "six", "six", "six", "seven", "seven", "seven", "seven", "eight", "eight", _
                         "eight", "eight", "nine", "nine", "nine", "nine", "ten", "ten", "ten", "ten", "jack", "jack", "jack", _
                         "jack", "queen", "queen", "queen", "queen", "king", "king", "king", "king", "ace", "ace", "ace", "ace"}

'What Happens when button 1 is clicked

Private Sub btnPlayer1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPlayer1.Click
    Dim rnd = New Random()                                       'Set rnd as random generator
    If cards.Count > 0 Then                                      'If all cards have been drawn then no more cards can be drawn
        Dim randomcards = cards(rnd.Next(0, cards.Count))        'Set randomcards as one randomly chosen (using rnd) card from cards list
        lstbox1.Items.Add(randomcards)                           'Add 1 randomly chosen card from cards list into lstbox1 each time btnPlayer1 is clicked
        cards.Remove(randomcards)                                'Remove the randomly generated card from cards list to reduce deck size. No card will be picked more than 4 times
    End If
    lstbox1.TopIndex = lstbox1.Items.Count - 1                   'Automatically scroll down lstbox1 each time new item is added so players only see last played card (can still scroll up to see previous cards)
End Sub

'What happens when button 2 is clicked

Private Sub btnPlayer2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPlayer2.Click
    Dim rnd = New Random()                                       'Set rnd as random generator
    If cards.Count > 0 Then                                      'If all cards have been drawn then no more cards can be drawn
        Dim randomcards = cards(rnd.Next(0, cards.Count))        'Set randomcards as one randomly chosen (using rnd) card from cards list
        lstbox2.Items.Add(randomcards)                           'Add 1 randomly chosen card from cards list into lstbox2 each time btnPlayer2 is clicked
        cards.Remove(randomcards)                                'Remove the randomly generated card from cards list to reduce deck size. No card will be picked more than 4 times
    End If
    lstbox2.TopIndex = lstbox2.Items.Count - 1                   'Automatically scroll down lstbox2 each time new item is added so players only see last played card (can still scroll up to see previous cards)
End Sub

'Button to restart program

Private Sub btnRestart_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRestart.Click
End Sub

'Button to close program

Private Sub btnClose_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClose.Click
End Sub
End Class

我遇到了什么问题? (删除了之前我能够解决的问题)

我如何检索 data/order 从两个列表框中抽取的卡片(如果抽取顺序为 A B A B 等...),然后将我的评分规则应用于该列表框 卡顺序? (除非它不是来自列表框,否则我应该获取我的数据...?)

刚开始 供您参考,我三周前才开始编程。我从 VB 开始,一旦我变得更好,我将继续 Python。我真的很想在未来成为一名游戏创作者,所以我制作的所有程序都是这样的小游戏(目前超级简单)。现在我从一个游戏创意开始,画出外观,设置我希望游戏遵循的规则,然后根据我设置的规则编写代码。这是我迄今为止最具挑战性的游戏,我碰壁了。非常感谢您的帮助:) 谢谢!

我会用评论更新这个答案,以便稍后解释所有内容。现在,这就是我开始编写您的游戏的方式。我使用控制台应用程序只是因为它是最快的。答案的核心是 Deck class 加上使用 Queue(Of T) 确保每张卡片只分发一次的事实。

Public Module Module1
    Public Sub Main()
        Dim PlayDeck As New Queue(Of Deck.Card)
        Dim Deck As New Deck(True)

        Deck.CardList.ForEach(Sub(x) PlayDeck.Enqueue(x))

        Dim player1card As Deck.Card = PlayDeck.Dequeue()
        Dim player2card As Deck.Card = PlayDeck.Dequeue()


    End Sub

    Public Class Deck
        Public Structure Card
            Public Property Suit As Suits
            Public Property Value As CardValue

            Public Enum Suits
                Hearts = 0
                Spades = 1
                Clubs = 2
                Diamonds = 3
            End Enum

            Public Enum CardValue
                Two = 2
                Three = 3
                Four = 4
                Five = 5
                Six = 6
                Seven = 7
                Eight = 8
                Nine = 9
                Ten = 10
                Jack = 11
                Queen = 12
                King = 13
                Ace = 14
            End Enum

            Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
                Return [Enum].GetName(GetType(CardValue), Me.Value) & " of " & [Enum].GetName(GetType(Suits), Me.Suit)
            End Function
        End Structure

        Public CardList As List(Of Card)

        Public Sub New()
            CardList = New List(Of Card)
            For Each suit As Card.Suits In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(Card.Suits))
                For Each val As Card.CardValue In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(Card.CardValue))
                    CardList.Add(New Card With {.Suit = suit, .Value = val})
        End Sub

        Public Sub New(Shuffle As Boolean)
            If Shuffle Then ShuffleCards()
        End Sub

        Public Sub ShuffleCards()
            Dim csprng As New System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
            Dim c As Integer = Me.CardList.Count
            While c > 1
                Dim b As Byte() = New Byte(0) {}
                Loop While Not b(0) < c * (Byte.MaxValue / c)

                Dim k As Integer = (b(0) Mod c)
                c -= 1

                Dim v As Card = Me.CardList(k)
                Me.CardList(k) = Me.CardList(c)
                Me.CardList(c) = v
            End While
        End Sub
    End Class
End Module