为什么 E4X 被弃用并从某些浏览器中删除?

Why was E4X deprecated and removed from some browsers?

为什么 E4X 被弃用并从某些浏览器中删除?

Warning: E4X is obselete. It's been disabled by default for chrome in Firefox 17, and completely removed in Firefox 21. Use DOMParser/DOMSerializer or a non-native JXON algorithm instead.



As Brendan said somewhere "E4X is crazyland", and FF's implementation of E4X deviates from the spec in ways that are not written down anywhere.

— Mark S. Miller

The only way for it to come back would be via a new edition of ECMA-357, which Adobe and Mozilla were going to work on. Until then, it's out.

— Brendan Eich

The idea behind it wasn't bad, but the way it was integrated into the language was. SpiderMonkey was the only JS engine that ever implemented it, and there were endless problems caused by that and severe complications of the engine's implementation required for this support.

— Till Schneidereit

来自Bug 695577