尝试在 MySQL 中将 useLegacyDatetimeCode 设置为 false 失败

Trying to set useLegacyDatetimeCode to false in MySQL fails

当我在 JDBC 连接属性中设置 useLegacyDatetimeCode=false 时,我收到此错误消息:

java.sql.SQLException: The server timezone value 'CET' represents more than one timezone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc timezone value if you want to utilize timezone support. The timezones that 'CET' maps to are: Europe/Tirane, Europe/Andorra, Europe/Vienna, Europe/Minsk, Europe/Brussels, Europe/Sofia, Europe/Prague, Europe/Copenhagen, Europe/Tallinn, Europe/Berlin, Europe/Gibraltar, Europe/Athens, Europe/Budapest, Europe/Rome, Europe/Riga, Europe/Vaduz, Europe/Vilnius, Europe/Luxembourg, Europe/Malta, Europe/Chisinau, Europe/Tiraspol, Europe/Monaco, Europe/Amsterdam, Europe/Oslo, Europe/Warsaw, Europe/Lisbon, Europe/Kaliningrad, Europe/Madrid, Europe/Stockholm, Europe/Zurich, Europe/Kiev, Europe/Uzhgorod, Europe/Zaporozhye, Europe/Simferopol, Europe/Belgrade, Africa/Algiers, Africa/Tripoli, Africa/Casablanca, Africa/Tunis, Africa/Ceuta.

我明白消息告诉我的意思,但我不确定该怎么做。我不知道 MySQL 服务器在哪个时区运行(这是我的客户安装的软件,服务器不由我管理)。

我需要将此属性设置为 false 以修复 MySQL 时区错误。

