64 位整数上的 C++ 与 C# 按位运算 - 性能

C++ vs C# bitwise operations on 64-bit ints - performance

我将 2D 位域存储在 5 个无符号长整数的数组中。 我要争取最好的表现。 我在 C# 中工作,但我试图通过在 C++ 中实现我的 class 来设置基准。

这里的问题是 C# 实现需要大约 10 秒才能完成,而 C++ 需要大约 1 秒才能完成,这使得它 快了 10 倍。 C++ 是在 VS2015 中构建的 x64。 C# 在 x64 VS2015 .NET 4.6 中。当然两者都在发布中。

编辑: 稍微优化 C# 代码后,它仍然需要 7 到 8 秒,而 C++ 需要 1.3 秒。

注意: x86 中的 C++ 大约需要 6 秒才能完成。我是运行64位机器上的代码

问题:是什么让 C++ 更快?有没有办法优化 C# 代码,使其至少同样快? (也许是一些不安全的魔法?)

令我困惑的是,我们只是在谈论遍历数组和按位运算。它不应该被 JIT 化为与 C++ 几乎相同的东西吗?

示例代码: 实现中有两个简单的函数。 Left() 和 Right() 分别将整个文件向左移动 1 位。在多头之间携带适当的位。


#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;

class BitField
    unsigned long long LEFTMOST_BIT = 0x8000000000000000;
    unsigned long long RIGHTMOST_BIT = 1;

    unsigned long long Cells_l[5];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Cells_l[i] = rand(); // Random initialization
    void Left()
        unsigned long long carry = 0;
        unsigned long long nextCarry = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            nextCarry = (Cells_l[i] & LEFTMOST_BIT) >> 63;
            Cells_l[i] = Cells_l[i] << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
    void Right()
        unsigned long long carry = 0;
        unsigned long long nextCarry = 0;
        for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
            nextCarry = (Cells_l[i] & RIGHTMOST_BIT) << 63;
            Cells_l[i] = Cells_l[i] >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;

int main()
    BitField bf;

    high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
    high_resolution_clock::time_point t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();

    auto duration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(t2 - t1).count();

    cout << "Time: " << duration << endl << endl;
    // Print to avoid compiler optimizations
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        cout << bf.Cells_l[i] << endl;

    return 0;


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace TestCS
    class BitField
        const ulong LEFTMOST_BIT = 0x8000000000000000;
        const ulong RIGHTMOST_BIT = 1;

        static Random rnd = new Random();

        ulong[] Cells;

        public BitField()
            Cells = new ulong[5];
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Cells[i] = (ulong)rnd.Next(); // Random initialization

        public void Left()
            ulong carry = 0;
            ulong nextCarry = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                nextCarry = (Cells[i] & LEFTMOST_BIT) >> 63;
                Cells[i] = Cells[i] << 1 | carry;
                carry = nextCarry;
        public void Right()
            ulong carry = 0;
            ulong nextCarry = 0;
            for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                nextCarry = (Cells[i] & RIGHTMOST_BIT) << 63;
                Cells[i] = Cells[i] >> 1 | carry;
                carry = nextCarry;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BitField bf = new BitField();
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            // Call to remove the compilation time from measurements

            for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)

            Console.WriteLine($"Done in: {sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()}ms");

编辑: 修复了示例代码中的 "nextCarry" 拼写错误。

部分差异可能是因为两个版本之间的代码差异 - 您不会在 C++ Left 或 C# Right 中分配给 nextCarry , 但这些可能是示例中的拼写错误。

您想查看两者的反汇编以了解差异,但这主要是由于 C++ 编译器有更多时间用于优化代码。在这种情况下,它展开循环,内联所有函数调用(包括构造函数),并将 Cells_l 中的所有内容推送到寄存器中。所以有一个大循环使用寄存器并且没有访问内存。

我没有看过 C# 编译的输出,但我怀疑它做的与此相近。

此外,如评论中所述,将 C# 代码中的所有 Cells.Length 调用替换为 5(就像在 C++ 代码中一样)。

我从评论和@AntoninLejsek 删除的答案中获得了足够的信息,我可以自己回答这个问题。

TL;DR C++ 编译器在优化方面做得更好,而 C# 管理的数组访问在循环中完成时成本很高。然而,不安全的代码和固定的访问权限不足以与 C++ 相媲美。

看来我们需要手动优化 C# 代码才能获得与 C++ 相当的性能。

  1. 展开循环
  2. 对固定数组访问使用不安全代码
  3. 不要重复访问数组 - 而是将项目存储到局部变量中。

以下 C# 代码的运行速度与 C++ 代码一样快(实际上快了大约 100 毫秒)。在 .NET 4.6 VS 2015 版本 x64 上编译。

unsafe struct BitField
    static Random rnd = new Random();
    public fixed ulong Cells[5];
    public BitField(int nothing)
        fixed (ulong* p = Cells)
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                p[i] = (ulong)rnd.Next(); // Just some random number
public void StuffUnrolledNonManaged()
        ulong u0;
        ulong u1;
        ulong u2;
        ulong u3;
        ulong u4;
        fixed (ulong *p = Cells)
            u0 = p[0];
            u1 = p[1];
            u2 = p[2];
            u3 = p[3];
            u4 = p[4];
        ulong carry = 0;
        ulong nextCarry = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)

            carry = 0;
            nextCarry = u0 >> 63;
            u0 = u0 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u1 >> 63;
            u1 = u1 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u2 >> 63;
            u2 = u2 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u3 >> 63;
            u3 = u3 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            u4 = u4 << 1 | carry;

            carry = 0;
            nextCarry = u0 >> 63;
            u0 = u0 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u1 >> 63;
            u1 = u1 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u2 >> 63;
            u2 = u2 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u3 >> 63;
            u3 = u3 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            u4 = u4 << 1 | carry;

            carry = 0;
            nextCarry = u0 >> 63;
            u0 = u0 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u1 >> 63;
            u1 = u1 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u2 >> 63;
            u2 = u2 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u3 >> 63;
            u3 = u3 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            u4 = u4 << 1 | carry;

            carry = 0;
            nextCarry = u4 << 63;
            u4 = u4 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u3 << 63;
            u3 = u3 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u2 << 63;
            u2 = u2 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u1 << 63;
            u1 = u1 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            u0 = u0 >> 1 | carry;

            carry = 0;
            nextCarry = u4 << 63;
            u4 = u4 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u3 << 63;
            u3 = u3 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u2 << 63;
            u2 = u2 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u1 << 63;
            u1 = u1 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            u0 = u0 >> 1 | carry;

            carry = 0;
            nextCarry = u0 >> 63;
            u0 = u0 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u1 >> 63;
            u1 = u1 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u2 >> 63;
            u2 = u2 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u3 >> 63;
            u3 = u3 << 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            u4 = u4 << 1 | carry;

            carry = 0;
            nextCarry = u4 << 63;
            u4 = u4 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u3 << 63;
            u3 = u3 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u2 << 63;
            u2 = u2 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u1 << 63;
            u1 = u1 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            u0 = u0 >> 1 | carry;

            carry = 0;
            nextCarry = u4 << 63;
            u4 = u4 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u3 << 63;
            u3 = u3 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u2 << 63;
            u2 = u2 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            nextCarry = u1 << 63;
            u1 = u1 >> 1 | carry;
            carry = nextCarry;
            u0 = u0 >> 1 | carry;


        fixed (ulong* p = Cells)
            p[0] = u0;
            p[1] = u1;
            p[2] = u2;
            p[3] = u3;
            p[4] = u4;


static void Main(string[] args)
            BitField bf = new BitField(0);
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            // Call to remove the compilation time from measurements


            Console.WriteLine($"Non managed access unrolled in: {sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()}ms");

此代码在大约 1.1 秒后完成

注:仅固定数组访问不足以匹配C++性能。如果我们不使用局部变量 - u0 的每个实例都被 p[0] 等替换。时间约为 3.6 秒.

如果我们仅对问题代码使用固定访问(在循环中调用 Left() 和 Right() 函数)。时间约为5.8秒.