按 google 登录按钮时没有任何反应

nothing happen when press google sign in button

我已经使用 pods.and 为 ios 配置了 Google SDK 我添加了一个 uiview 作为登录按钮(将 class 设置为 GIDSignInButton)。并添加了连接。但是当我按下按钮时,它不会显示任何东西。它不调用委托方法。我在网上搜索但没有找到。请指导我解决这个问题。


这是我的 viewControllar

class Login: UIViewController , GIDSignInUIDelegate{

@IBOutlet var googleLogIn: GIDSignInButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {

    GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().uiDelegate = self

    // Uncomment to automatically sign in the user.
   // GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().signInSilently()

    // TODO(developer) Configure the sign-in button look/feel
    // ...
func signIn(signIn: GIDSignIn!, didSignInForUser user: GIDGoogleUser!,
    withError error: NSError!) {
        if (error == nil) {
            // Perform any operations on signed in user here.
            let userId = user.userID                  // For client-side use only!
            let idToken = user.authentication.idToken // Safe to send to the server
            let name = user.profile.name
            let email = user.profile.email
            // ...
        } else {

func signIn(signIn: GIDSignIn!, didDisconnectWithUser user:GIDGoogleUser!,
    withError error: NSError!) {
        // Perform any operations when the user disconnects from app here.
        // ...


func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.

    FBSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
    //Optionally add to ensure your credentials are valid:

    var configureError: NSError?
    assert(configureError == nil, "Error configuring Google services: \(configureError)")

    GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().delegate = self

    return true

func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool {
    return  GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().handleURL(url,
        sourceApplication: sourceApplication,
        annotation: annotation)
    //FBSDKApplicationDelegate.sharedInstance().application(application, openURL: url, sourceApplication: sourceApplication, annotation: annotation)

func signIn(signIn: GIDSignIn!, didSignInForUser user: GIDGoogleUser!,
    withError error: NSError!) {
        if (error == nil) {
            // Perform any operations on signed in user here.
            let userId = user.userID                  // For client-side use only!
            let idToken = user.authentication.idToken // Safe to send to the server
            let name = user.profile.name
            let email = user.profile.email
            // [START_EXCLUDE]
                object: nil,
                userInfo: ["statusText": "Signed in user:\n\(name)"])
            // [END_EXCLUDE]
        } else {
            // [START_EXCLUDE silent]
                "ToggleAuthUINotification", object: nil, userInfo: nil)
            // [END_EXCLUDE]

func signIn(signIn: GIDSignIn!, didDisconnectWithUser user:GIDGoogleUser!,
    withError error: NSError!) {
        // Perform any operations when the user disconnects from app here.
        // [START_EXCLUDE]
            object: nil,
            userInfo: ["statusText": "User has disconnected."])
        // [END_EXCLUDE]

验证一次您是否在您的应用中添加了 clientID

func application(application: UIApplication,
  didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().clientID = "XXXXX-XXXXX.apps.googleusercontent.com";

return true

appdelegate 中删除行 GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().delegate = self 并添加您的视图控制器,尝试一次

    GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().delegate = self
    GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().uiDelegate = self

我不知道是否还有其他人遇到过这个问题。我知道这可能不是你的情况,但对于其他人来说,我也面临同样的问题,但在我的情况下,我在容器视图中添加了 Google 登录按钮,该按钮具有用于关闭键盘的点击手势,因此当我点击 Google 登录 ,它以前没有用。 我这边有点愚蠢:)

如果您有一个点击手势来关闭键盘...添加 cancelsTouchesInView=false:

let endEditingTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleEndEditing))
endEditingTap.cancelsTouchesInView = false