验证鼠标在三角形内的位置 - Python

Verifying Mouse Position Within Triangle - Python


编辑:如果你很好奇,我必须使用 Myro,我用来获取鼠标点击坐标的代码是:mouseX, mouseY = win.getMouse() # "win" refers to a Window object

我正在创建 "buttons" 当点击时执行某种形式的操作。我使用了三种不同的形状:矩形、圆形和三角形。


# The numbers used in this example are the coordinates on an XY plane
# mouseX refers to the X coord of a recent mouse click; mouseY on the Y axis
if mouseX >= 70 and mouseX <= 120:
        if mouseY >= 10 and mouseY <= 35:
            print("rectangle button clicked")

对于圈子,我得到了this question的帮助,最后得到了这个代码:

# mouseX and mouseY, same as rectangle example
if sqrt((mouseX-660)**2 + (mouseY-270)**2) <= 30:
        print("circle button clicked")

我尝试使用的最后一个形状是三角形。我不确定如何确保 mouseXmouseY 在形状的坐标范围内。我在数学方面相当糟糕,但我假设有一些可以使用的公式(例如圆圈示例)。非常感谢。



如果向量 u 位于 v 右侧 ,则为正,如果位于左侧,则为负。




抱歉缺少代码 - 我讨厌 Python(是的,我说过)。但这应该提供您实现它所需的数学知识。

使用叉积 - 必须全部为正或全部为负。

def line_point_pos(start, end, point):
    """right: negative, left: positive, onedge: zero"""
    A = end[0]-start[0], end[1]-start[1]
    B = point[0]-start[0], point[1]-start[1]
    # return z-component of cross product
    return A[0]*B[1] - A[1]*B[0]

def in_polygon(vertices, point, onedges=True):
    """find out if the point is inside the polygon"""
    edges = zip(vertices, vertices[1:] + [vertices[0]])

    zs = [line_point_pos(s, e, point) for s,e in edges]
    if 0 in zs:
        return onedges
    return all(z>0 for z in zs) or all(z<0 for z in zs)

triangle = [(1, 1), (10, 1), (5, 10)]
a = 5, 10
print(in_polygon(triangle, a))      # True

我在 this 问题中找到了答案,是用 C 语言编写的(我相信)。我已将代码重写为 Python,并将留在这里供其他人使用。


def sign(p1, p2, p3): #all Points
    return (p1.getX() - p3.getX()) * (p2.getY() - p3.getY()) - (p2.getX() - p3.getX()) * (p1.getY() - p3.getY())

def inTriangle(pt, v1, v2, v3): #all Points, pt = mouse, v = triangle vertex
    b1 = sign(pt, v1, v2) < 0.0
    b2 = sign(pt, v2, v3) < 0.0
    b3 = sign(pt, v3, v1) < 0.0
    return ((b1 == b2) and (b2 == b3))


mouseX, mouseY = win.getMouse() #Myro module, win = Window object
a = Point(662,200)
b = Point(1,1)
print(inTriangle(a, Point(661,156), Point(633,217), Point(688,218))) #TRUE!
print(inTriangle(b, Point(661,156), Point(633,217), Point(688,218))) #FALSE!
triangle = [Point(661, 156), Point(633, 217), Point(688, 218)]
if inTriangle(Point(mouseX, mouseY), triangle[0], triangle[1], triangle[2]):
    print("clicked up")