Converted json (from ArrayList) 有更多的元素

Converted json (from ArrayList) has more elements

我 post 我做了什么,因为我没有得到结果..这里我有一个方法 returns 一个 ArrayList:

public ArrayList<Label> getLabels() 
         throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException{

    ArrayList<Label> labels = new ArrayList<>();
    sq = "SELECT * from LABELS";

    try {       
          c = DriverManager.getConnection(path);            
          stm = c.prepareStatement(sq);  
          ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery();

          while( {
             Label label = new Label(rs.getString("type"), rs.getString("description"),rs.getString("product")+"-"+rs.getString("version"), rs.getString("cutter"));

        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            if (stm != null)
            if (c != null)

        System.out.println("Label "+ labels.size());
        return labels;

然后我想将这个 ArrayList 转换为 JSON 格式。所以我执行 labelsToJSON(action.getLabels()); where:

public void labelsToJSON(ArrayList<Label> list){

      ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
           mapper.writeValue(new File("C:\temp\labels.json"), list);
          }catch(JsonGenerationException e){
          }catch(JsonMappingException e){
          }catch (IOException e){



public class Label {
    private String barcode;     
    private String labelCode;
    private String productCode; 
    private String type;   
    //and many others..

    public Label(){


    //This is the costructor I use above in the method   
    public Label(String type, String description, String productCode, String cutter) {
        this.type = type;
        this.description = description;
        this.productCode = productCode;
        this.cutter = cutter;    

    //and then some other constructors (I post 2 for example)
    public Label(String type, String description, String product, String version, String cutter) {
        this.type = type;
        this.description = description;
        this.product = product;
        this.version = version;
        this.cutter = cutter;    

    public Label(String barcode, String product, String version, String dateProduction, String order , int quantity, String packetNumber, String type, String description, String cutter) {
        this.barcode = barcode;
        this.product = product;
        this.version = version;
        this.dateProduction = dateProduction;
        this.order = order;
        this.packetNumber = packetNumber;
        this.quantity = quantity;
        this.type = type;
        this.description = description;
        this.cutter = cutter;

   //setters, getters etc

因此,我使用参数 String type, String description, String productCode, String cutter 从构造函数创建了一个对象。但是 labels.json 包含这些数据

    "productCode":"111123123-1123",        //<- 
    "type":"Container",                    //<-
    "description":"this is a description", //<- all these I was expected.
    "cutter":"1031",                       //<-
  }, //and so on

我不明白为什么json文件有这么多属性??我的对象应该只有 4 --> String type, String description, String productCode, String cutter

ObjectMapper 将默认序列化 class 上的所有字段值,无论它们是否为空,因此您可以从 Label class 中获取所有内容。

要仅序列化您可以配置 ObjectMapper 的非空值,请参阅 setSerializationInclusion and Include

的 JavaDoc

编辑: 正如 Maraboc 指出的那样,您遇到了在使用 Include.NON_NULLquantity 仍然被序列化的问题。为了更好地控制哪些字段被序列化,您可以使用 @JsonIgnore 注释来防止 class 中的其他字段被序列化。

或者您可以将 @JsonIgnoreProperties({"quantity"}) 添加到您的 class

您可以使用 JsonSerialize 注释定义 Label class 并将数量类型从原始 int 更改为 Integer Object。如果类型为 int,则默认值零将分配给变量。

public class Label {

    // ...other properties

    private Integer quantity;

    public Integer getQuantity() {
       return quantity;

    public void setQuantity(Integer quantity) {
       this.quantity = quantity;