AWS Autoscaling 和 AWS Opsworks 有什么区别

what is the difference between AWS Autoscaling and AWS Opsworks

AWS Autoscaling 和 AWS Opsworks 都处理自动扩展应用程序服务器。但这两种服务之间的确切区别是什么?

AWS Opsworks 无疑以自动缩放为核心,但它是一个更大的保护伞(也更固执己见)。它包括多个堆栈(EC2 服务器、ElastiCache、DynamoDb 等...)的部署和配置设置。

相比之下,自动缩放实际上只是 Ec2 的一个子集,它根据您可以配置的各种警报执行缩放(increase/decrease 服务器计数)操作。

虽然 Autoscaling、OpsWorks 和 Elastic Beanstalk 提供非常相似的服务,但 OpsWorks 是迄今为止对您的实例提供最多控制的服务。顾名思义,AWS Autoscaling 提供简单的实例复制,以便按比例放大或缩小以满足您的可用性需求。 Elastic Beanstalk 与 Autoscaling 非常相似,但它是一个专注于复制 Web 应用程序的解决方案,并提供一个管理控制台来上传 Web 应用程序并控制它的扩展方式。

摘自OpsWorks FAQ

Q: Who should use AWS OpsWorks?

System administrators and ops-minded developers who are looking for a powerful end-to-end application management solution should consider AWS OpsWorks. AWS OpsWorks is targeted at DevOps users who want better management and automation tools to help them customize and control their environments. An AWS OpsWorks user typically values:

  • Control. AWS OpsWorks makes it easy to model all the components of your application and then configure any aspect of your application and its supporting infrastructure. With support for scripted changes using Chef recipes (see "What is Chef and how does AWS OpsWorks use it?" for details) at defined stages in the application lifecycle, you have fine-grained control of your application and its interaction with related components. Your recipes can be stored with your source code, making it easy to track changes. From one-time deployments to auto scaled growth, your application will reflect your settings through its complete lifecycle.

  • Automation. Instead of manual steps, you specify how to deploy, scale, and maintain your applications and AWS OpsWorks performs the tasks for you. For example, AWS OpsWorks can set up instances to host your apps based on the exact configurations that you specify (code to deploy, RAID configuration, etc.), scale your apps using load-based or time-based auto scaling, and maintain the health of your apps by detecting and replacing failed instances. When a new app server instance starts, AWS OpsWorks will use built-in recipes to configure the app server software and deploy your apps, and can also apply your specified recipes to make changes to your database and monitoring infrastructure.

总而言之,如果您需要以非常特殊的方式配置您的实例,让它们在特定时间或要求启动和停止,那么 DevOps 可能更适合您。


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