OCaml:为什么重命名类型失败 "Their kinds differ"

OCaml: Why does renaming a type fail with "Their kinds differ"



module type Witness = sig type 'a key type 'a value end

module type Witnessed = sig
  type 'a key
  type 'a value
  type t
  type ('a, 'b) conv = {
    key : 'c . 'c key -> 'a;
    value : 'c . 'c value -> 'b;
  val box : 'a key -> 'a value -> t
  val conv : ('a, 'b) conv -> t -> ('a * 'b)

module MAKE(W : Witness) : Witnessed with type 'a key = 'a W.key
                     and type 'a value = 'a W.value = struct
  include W

  type t = Box : 'a key * 'a value -> t
  let box k v = Box (k, v)
  type ('a, 'b) conv = {
    key : 'c . 'c key -> 'a;
    value : 'c . 'c value -> 'b;
  let conv conv (Box (k, v)) = (conv.key k, conv.value v)

type _ token
type _ attrib

module W = struct
  type 'a key = 'a token
  type 'a value = 'a attrib

module Boxed = struct
    module T = MAKE(W)
    type lexeme = T.t
    type ('a, 'b) lexeme_conv = ('a, 'b) T.conv
    include (T : module type of T with type 'a key := 'a token
                                  and type 'a value := 'a attrib
                                  and type t := lexeme
                                  and type ('a, 'b) conv := ('a, 'b) lexeme_conv)

并且 ocaml 说:

File "foo.ml", line 49, characters 38-80:
Error: This variant or record definition does not match that of type
         ('a, 'b) lexeme_conv
       Their kinds differ.

conv 和 lexeme_conv 的类型有何不同?

您可以通过将 lexeme_conv 的定义替换为:

type ('a, 'b) lexeme_conv = ('a, 'b) T.conv = {
  key : 'c . 'c T.key -> 'a;
  value : 'c . 'c T.value -> 'b;

这是因为类型别名和类型定义在破坏性替换方面的行为方式不同。例如,这里使用 lexeme_conv 别名,签名将更改(因为记录定义将停止公开),这是被禁止的。