使用 Jackson 反序列化时如何放宽命名策略?

How can I loosen up the naming strategy when deserializing using Jackson?

我一直在尝试升级 JSON 模块以使用 Jackson 的 FasterXML (2.6.3) 版本而不是旧的 Codehaus 模块。在升级过程中,我注意到使用 FasterXML 而不是 Codehaus 时命名策略有所不同。

Codehaus 在命名策略方面更加灵活。下面的测试突出了我在使用 FasterXML 时遇到的问题。如何配置 ObjectMapper 使其遵循与 Codehaus 相同的策略?

我无法更改 JSONProperty 注释,因为它们有数百个。我希望升级后向兼容命名策略。

import java.io.IOException;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.PropertyNamingStrategy;
/*import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonProperty;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.PropertyNamingStrategy;*/
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

public class JSONTest extends Assert {

    @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
    public static class Product {

        @JsonProperty(value = "variationId")
        private String variantId;

        @JsonProperty(value = "price_text")
        private String priceText;

        @JsonProperty(value = "listPrice")
        public String listPrice;

        @JsonProperty(value = "PRODUCT_NAME")
        public String name;

        @JsonProperty(value = "Product_Desc")
        public String description;

    private static final String VALID_PRODUCT_JSON =
            "{ \"list_price\": 289," +
             " \"price_text\": \"269.00\"," +
             " \"variation_id\": \"EUR\"," +
             " \"product_name\": \"Product\"," +
             " \"product_desc\": \"Test\"" +

    public void testDeserialization() throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        Product product = mapper.readValue(VALID_PRODUCT_JSON, Product.class);

@JsonProperty 覆盖任何 PropertyNamingStrategy in fasterxml since version 2.4.0. However, yet-to-be-released version 2.7.0 will provide a feature to allow you to opt back in to the old behavior. There is also an unimplemented suggestion 以在每个注释级别切换它,但这对您没有真正帮助。

似乎 Codehaus 在映射时确实在 @JsonProperty 值之上应用了 PropertyNamingStrategy,尽管我找不到任何明确的文档。这似乎也是 2.4.0 之前的 fasterxml 中的行为。 Here 是注意到相同行为差异的另一个例子。

虽然 SkinnyJ 提供的解决方案非常适合您的问题,但如果您不能等到 2.7 发布,您可以应用以下 hack 来解决这个问题。

想法是转换传入的 JSON 以匹配 bean 定义中的属性。下面的代码就是这样做的。需要注意以下几点:

  1. 如果你处理的是嵌套结构,你将不得不实现一个递归函数来实现这种转换。
  2. 进行转换会涉及一些开销。


public class JSONTest extends Assert {

    @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
    public static class Product {

        @JsonProperty(value = "variationId")
        private String variantId;

        @JsonProperty(value = "price_text")
        private String priceText;

        @JsonProperty(value = "listPrice")
        public String listPrice;

        @JsonProperty(value = "PRODUCT_NAME")
        public String name;

        @JsonProperty(value = "Product_Desc")
        public String description;

    private static final String VALID_PRODUCT_JSON =
            "{ \"list_price\": 289," +
             " \"price_text\": \"269.00\"," +
             " \"variation_id\": \"EUR\"," +
             " \"product_name\": \"Product\"," +
             " \"product_desc\": \"Test\"" +

    public void testDeserialization() throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        //Capture the original JSON in org.json.JSONObject
        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(VALID_PRODUCT_JSON);
        JSONArray keys = obj.names();

        //New json object to be created using property names defined in bean
        JSONObject matchingJson = new JSONObject();

        //Map of lowercased key to original keys in incoming json. eg: Prod_id > prodid
        Map<String, String> jsonMappings = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < keys.length(); i++) {
            String key = lowerCaseWithoutUnderScore(keys.getString(i));
            String value = keys.getString(i);
            jsonMappings.put(key, value);

         * Iternate all jsonproperty beans and create new json
         * such that keys in json map to that defined in bean
        Field[] fields = Product.class.getDeclaredFields();
        for (Field field : fields) {
            JsonProperty prop = field.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class);
            String propNameInBean = prop.value();
            String keyToLook = lowerCaseWithoutUnderScore(propNameInBean);
            String keyInJson = jsonMappings.get(keyToLook);
            matchingJson.put(propNameInBean, obj.get(keyInJson));

        String json = matchingJson.toString();

        //Pass the matching json to Object mapper
        Product product = mapper.readValue(json, Product.class);

    private String lowerCaseWithoutUnderScore(String key){
        return key.replaceAll("_", "").toLowerCase();
