将 IP 打包成 uint32

Packing IP into a uint32

是否将 char IP[4] ( 打包到 uint32 中作为任何 RSI/ISO/standards 主体(即这里的任何人 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_technical_standard_organisations)的一部分详细说明?我知道它是一系列语言和工具的标准,但我想知道它是否是任何国际标准的一部分,如果是,是哪一个?这应该详细说明例如使用的字节顺序。


通过网络发送的所有 IP 地址(实际上,标准网络堆栈中使用的所有多字节数字)都在“network order" which is big-endian.


来自 Why is network-byte-order defined to be big-endian? ...

RFC1700 stated it must be so. (and defined network byte order as big-endian). It has now been superseded by RFC-3232,但这部分保持不变

The convention in the documentation of Internet Protocols is to express numbers in decimal and to picture data in "big-endian" order [COHEN]. That is, fields are described left to right, with the most significant octet on the left and the least significant octet on the right.


On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace 
Cohen, D. 

可以在 IEN-137 or on this IEEE page 找到摘要。


Which way is chosen does not make too much difference. It is more important to agree upon an order than which order is agreed upon.

它得出结论,大端和小端方案都是可能的。没有 better/worse 方案,只要在 system/protocol.


这取决于 IPv4 地址的去向。

对于实际的IP使用,即在网络数据包中,打包总是使用network byte order,即big-endian。
