PHP:将 CURL 结果放入数组。在数组中的 A-Z 值之后停止,忽略后面的内容

PHP: CURL result into array. Stop after A-Z values in array, disregard what follows

在对页面进行 CURL 处理并在数组中创建项目列表之后。我无法控制标记。我正在尝试过滤掉字母 Z 之后不跟在字母表后面的最后剩余项目。

在这种情况下,我想忽略索引 7 及以后的索引。

    [0] => Apple
    [1] => Acorn
    [2] => Banana
    [3] => Cucumber
    [4] => Date
    [5] => Zombify
    [6] => Zoo // last item
    [7] => Umbrella // disregard
    [8] => Kangaroo // disregard
    [9] => Apple // disregard
    [10] => Star // disregard
    [11] => Umbrella // disregard
    [12] => Kangaroo // disregard
    [13] => Apple // disregard

我想不通的是字母 Z 处的截止点的适当解决方案。

$letters = range('A', 'Z');

foreach($listContent as $listItem) {
    foreach($letters as $letter) {
        if (substr($listItem, 0, 1) == $letter) {
            $newArray[] = $listItem;


$last= "A";
foreach($listContent as $listItem) {
  $current = strtoupper(substr($listItem, 0,1));

  // only add the element if it is alphabetically sorted behind the last element and is a character
  if ($current < $last || $current < 'A' || $current > 'Z') break;
  $last = $current;
  $newArray[] = $listItem;

已对此进行测试并正常工作 - 根据我对您的要求的理解:

$letters = range('A', 'Z');
$item_prev_char = "";

foreach( $listContent as $listItem ) 
    $item_first_char = substr($listItem, 0, 1);

    if ( $item_prev_char <= $item_first_char )
    foreach( $letters as $letter ) 
            if ($item_first_char == $letter ) 
            $new_array[] = $listItem;
            $item_prev_char = $item_first_char;
            echo $listItem."<br/>";

这将处理您发布的更新数组。例如,它会保留 Zombie 和 Zoo,但它会结束。

$letters = range('A', 'Z');
$newArray = array();

    foreach ($listContent as $listItem) {

        $firstLetter = substr($listItem, 0, 1);

        if (!in_array($firstLetter, $letters)) {
            break; // edited to break instead of continue.

        $position = array_search($firstLetter, $letters);
        $letters = array_slice($letters, $position);

        $newArray[] = $listItem;