Swift playground - 如何将带逗号的字符串转换为带小数的字符串

Swift playground - How to convert a string with comma to a string with decimal

我是 Swift 世界的新人。


带点 (.) 的代码工作正常

问题是当我使用逗号 (,) ... 时:var price

问题的根源是十进制法语键盘使用逗号 (,) 而不是点 (.)

不知道如何使用 NSNumberFormattergeneratesDecimalNumbers 如果它是关键。可能不止一种选择。

//The answer change if "2,25" or "2.25" is used.

var price      : String = "2,25"
var priceFloat = (price as NSString).floatValue

//I need to have 2.25 as answer.

var costString = String(format:"%.2f", priceFloat)


更新:Xcode 8.2.1 • Swift 3.0.2 您可以使用 NumberFormatter() 将字符串转换为数字。您只需要指定 decimalSeparator 如下:

extension String {
    static let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
    var doubleValue: Double {
        String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = "."
        if let result =  String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
            return result.doubleValue
        } else {
            String.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = ","
            if let result = String.numberFormatter.number(from: self) {
                return result.doubleValue
        return 0

"2.25".doubleValue // 2.25
"2,25".doubleValue // 2.25

let price = "2,25"
let costString = String(format:"%.2f", price.doubleValue)   // "2.25"

您还应该使用 NumberFormat 进行货币格式化,因此创建一个只读计算 属性 货币,将 FloatingPoint 协议扩展到 return 来自 String doubleValue 属性 的格式化字符串。

extension NumberFormatter {
    convenience init(style: Style) {
        self.numberStyle = style
extension Formatter {
    static let currency = NumberFormatter(style: .currency)
extension FloatingPoint {
    var currency: String {
        return Formatter.currency.string(for: self) ?? ""

let costString = "2,25".doubleValue.currency   // ".25"

Formatter.currency.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US")
"2222.25".doubleValue.currency    // ",222.25"
"2222,25".doubleValue.currency    // ",222.25"

Formatter.currency.locale = Locale(identifier: "pt_BR")
"2222.25".doubleValue.currency    // "R.222,25"
"2222,25".doubleValue.currency    // "R.222,25"

编辑:已更新以与 Swift 的当前版本一起使用:

let amount = "8,35"

var counter: Int = 0
var noCommaNumber: String!
for var carattere in (amount) {
    if carattere == "," { carattere = "." }
    if counter != 0 { noCommaNumber = "\(noCommaNumber ?? "\(carattere)")" + "\(carattere)" } else { noCommaNumber = "\(carattere)" } // otherwise first record will always be nil
    counter += 1

let importo = Float(noCommaNumber)
var price = "2,25"
price = price.replacingOccurrences(of: ",", with: ".")
var priceFloat = (price as NSString).floatValue

你可以使用 Swift 3:

let currentAmount = "2,50"

currentAmount = currentAmount.replacingOccurrences(of: ",", with: ".")

print(currentAmount) // "2.50\n"


extension String 
    static let customNumberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
    var doubleValue: Double? {
        String.customNumberFormatter.decimalSeparator = "."
        if let result =  String.customNumberFormatter.number(from: self) {
            return result.doubleValue
        } else {
            String.customNumberFormatter.decimalSeparator = ","
            if let result = String.customNumberFormatter.number(from: self) {
                return result.doubleValue
        return nil