安装 lumx angular material 设计框架时出错?

Error in installing lumx angular material design framework?

我只是尝试使用 lumX,因为它看起来很有前途 Angular Material 前端开发和快速开发,但是在阅读他们的文档规范后我收到以下错误 https://github.com/lumapps/lumX

1: Downloaded the lumx
2: Did npm install
3: Did bower install lumx

然后在 gulp 构建时出现此错误:

Error in plugin 'gulp-sass'
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: bourbon
       Parent style sheet: /Applications/Angular_Projects/KM_lumX/core/scss/_lumx.scss
        on line 5 of core/scss/_lumx.scss
>> @import "bourbon";

    formatted: Error: File to import not found or unreadable: bourbon
       Parent style sheet: /Applications/Angular_Projects/KM_lumX/core/scss/_lumx.scss
        on line 5 of core/scss/_lumx.scss
>> @import "bourbon";

    column: 1
    line: 5
    file: /Applications/Angular_Projects/KM_lumX/core/scss/_lumx.scss
    status: 1
    messageFormatted: core/scss/_lumx.scss
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: bourbon
       Parent style sheet: /Applications/Angular_Projects/KM_lumX/core/scss/_lumx.scss
        on line 5 of core/scss/_lumx.scss
>> @import "bourbon";

我是不是以错误的方式安装它,或者有什么方法可以解决这个错误,我对 scss 和 angular 很陌生,任何线索都将不胜感激。


我通过从存储库克隆 git 并更新 .bowerrc 文件以在当前目录中包含 Bower 组件的库来解决同样的问题。

.bowerrc 的内容应该是:

{ "directory": "./libs" }