illustrator fillcolor object
是否有一个脚本可以遍历每个样本颜色并每次复制 "layer 1" 并用样本颜色填充它?因此,如果样本中有 20 种颜色,则会添加 20 个不同颜色的新图层。
如果是,每个新图层能否从样本中获取名称并导出为 swatchName.jpg?
浏览 Illustrator JavaScript API 您会注意到 Document 对象有一个样本数组。剩下要做的就是:
- 遍历每个样本
- 画一个当前样本颜色的框
- 导出图像
我建议使用 png-24 而不是 jpg 以避免压缩伪影。
#target illustrator
//get a reference to the the current document
var doc = app.activeDocument;
//...and it's swatches
var swatches = doc.swatches;
//select a folder to save images into
var savePath = Folder.selectDialog( 'Please select a folder to export swatch images into', '~' );
//exported image dimensions
var width = 100;
var height = 100;
//PNG export options
var pngExportOpts = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
pngExportOpts.antiAliasing = false;//keep it pixel perfect
pngExportOpts.artBoardClipping = false;//use the path's dimensions (setup above), ignore full document size
pngExportOpts.saveAsHTML = false;
pngExportOpts.transparency = true;//some swatches might have transparency
//remove strokes
doc.defaultStroked = false;
//go through the swatches
for(var i = 0; i < swatches.length; i++){
//add a rectangle
var rect = doc.pathItems.rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
//set the fill colour based on the current swatch colour
rect.fillColor = swatches[i].color;
//export png
doc.exportFile( new File( savePath+ '/' + swatches[i].name + '.png'), ExportType.PNG24, pngExportOpts );
//remove any previous paths (in case of transparent swatches)
还值得注意的是,您可以 parse .ase (Adobe Swatch Exchange) 文件以选择的语言导出图像,完全避免使用 Illustrator。
是否有一个脚本可以遍历每个样本颜色并每次复制 "layer 1" 并用样本颜色填充它?因此,如果样本中有 20 种颜色,则会添加 20 个不同颜色的新图层。
如果是,每个新图层能否从样本中获取名称并导出为 swatchName.jpg?
浏览 Illustrator JavaScript API 您会注意到 Document 对象有一个样本数组。剩下要做的就是:
- 遍历每个样本
- 画一个当前样本颜色的框
- 导出图像
我建议使用 png-24 而不是 jpg 以避免压缩伪影。
#target illustrator
//get a reference to the the current document
var doc = app.activeDocument;
//...and it's swatches
var swatches = doc.swatches;
//select a folder to save images into
var savePath = Folder.selectDialog( 'Please select a folder to export swatch images into', '~' );
//exported image dimensions
var width = 100;
var height = 100;
//PNG export options
var pngExportOpts = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
pngExportOpts.antiAliasing = false;//keep it pixel perfect
pngExportOpts.artBoardClipping = false;//use the path's dimensions (setup above), ignore full document size
pngExportOpts.saveAsHTML = false;
pngExportOpts.transparency = true;//some swatches might have transparency
//remove strokes
doc.defaultStroked = false;
//go through the swatches
for(var i = 0; i < swatches.length; i++){
//add a rectangle
var rect = doc.pathItems.rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
//set the fill colour based on the current swatch colour
rect.fillColor = swatches[i].color;
//export png
doc.exportFile( new File( savePath+ '/' + swatches[i].name + '.png'), ExportType.PNG24, pngExportOpts );
//remove any previous paths (in case of transparent swatches)
还值得注意的是,您可以 parse .ase (Adobe Swatch Exchange) 文件以选择的语言导出图像,完全避免使用 Illustrator。