通过 URL 从网络摄像机获取快照图像

Getting snapshot image from IP Camera via URL

我正在尝试从 Hikvision IP 摄像机 URL 获取照片,它有一个 URL 或多或少是这样形成的:
但是,正如您注意到的那样,该文件夹只是命名为图片,没有直接 link 到图像及其扩展名。当我使用 Picasso 库或只是普通的 HttpConnection 时,它无法获取图像/位图。我还能如何检索图像?当我在网络浏览器中输入 URL 时,它会完美加载并显示图片为 .jpeg 格式。

每当我尝试使用 InputStreamBitmap 访问快照图像时,我都会收到 FileNotFoundException 错误

达里奥指出的问题是身份验证。状态 401 被返回,这就是 FileNotFoundException 被抛出的原因。
had a lot of deprecated methods my Gradle couldnt even get some of the classes.
However I found another way with help from the following forums 1, 2 所以我结合另一个我找不到的身份验证页面并具有以下内容:

boolean isSaved = false;
         try {
             HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
             HttpGet request = new HttpGet();
             request.setURI(new URI(AppConst.IMAGE_URL));

             UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials =
                     new UsernamePasswordCredentials(AppConst.USERNAME, AppConst.PASSWORD);
             BasicScheme scheme = new BasicScheme();
             Header authorizationHeader = scheme.authenticate(credentials, request);

             HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
             Log.d("responseType",response!=null? response.getEntity().getContentType().toString():"emptyType");
             Log.d("responseCode", response != null ? String.valueOf(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()) : "emptyCode");
             if((response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()==200) && (response.getEntity()!=null)){//status OK and not empty
                 //save stuff
                 HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                 if (entity != null) {
                     InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
                     String path = APP_DIR+System.currentTimeMillis()+".jpg";
                     FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(path);
                     int bufferSize = 1024;
                     byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                     int len = 0;
                     while ((len = instream.read(buffer)) != -1) {
                         output.write(buffer, 0, len);
                     Log.d("Snapshot Filename: ", path);
                     isSaved = true;

                 isSaved= false;
         }catch (Exception ex){
             Log.e("saveImageError",ex!=null? ex.getMessage():"error");

必须在 android 部分下的 gradle 中添加以下行:
useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'