Unity Web Player 游戏 - Facebook 已删除

Unity Web Player games - Facebook removed

Please Use a Different Browser to Play XY Game

On Tuesday, April 14th, 2015, Google Chrome removed the ability to play Unity Web Player games. XY game, can still be played on Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. If you'd like to continue to play Facebook Games using Google Chrome, please select another game.

我正在和朋友一起开发游戏,他正在使用 Unity。这种情况怎么办?

Unity 5.x 目前 'preview' 支持 WebGL。这是 Unity 正在为其 Web 发布而努力的方向。它可能是目前可用的最佳选择,但仍然不是很好。他们在这个 Unity Blog Post.


Unity 有关于 Getting Started with WebGL Development 的文档。它目前确实有一些限制,可能可行也可能不可行,具体取决于游戏需要的功能。

Unity WebGL 构建当前不支持:

  • Runtime generation of Substance textures
  • MovieTextures
  • Networking other then WWW class
  • Support for WebCam and Microphone access
  • Most of the non-basic audio features (anything beyond basic positional playback of audio is not supported).
  • Script debugging
  • Threads
  • Any .NET features requiring dynamic code generation (just as on other AOT platforms like iOS)
  • Runtime GI

真是可惜了。 Google 出于安全原因禁用 NPAPI 确实是在做正确的事情,但遗憾的是目前没有等效的替代方法。