
Why do we need pull to refresh for mobile app?

我想知道为什么我仍然看到很多应用程序(包括 fb 和 instagram)使用下拉刷新功能来更新内容?我的意思是,他们有通知系统,可以告诉自己在有新数据时进行刷新。例如,我看到 FB 的新闻提要部分有小气泡,告诉我那里有新的提要,如果我按下它,它可以带我去它,但下拉刷新功能仍然存在。为什么?

用户通常最好选择何时更新新闻提要"like on the Social Apps"。 由于在用户还在阅读it.This时自动更新内容通常不好,会给用户带来困惑。 下拉刷新是完成这项工作的合格功能



你的问题太棒了..我对此进行了一些研发。 在 android 中看到现在的应用程序从不使用拉动来刷新。因为 android 有 service 可以 运行 in background with wack-lock。 但是ios没有后台服务。



我有一个 Link 关于 it.see 的评论 可以打开你的观点。

仅供参考:Loren Brichter 在后来被 Twitter 收购的应用程序 Tweetie 2 中首次使用拉动刷新。

我认为他对如何实现下拉刷新的回答 手势将是您问题的恰当答案

Tweetie 2 simply took this idea from Tweetie 1, that reloading was simply “loading newer”, and “loading newer” put new messages at the top of the list… and activated the action based on a finger motion that you were already doing. Why make the user stop scrolling, lift their finger, then tap a button? Why not have them continue the gesture that they are already in the process of making? When I want to see newer stuff, I scroll up. So I made scrolling itself the gesture.

The gesture is only half the battle though, you need appropriate feedback. Once the reload is activated, the scrollable area of the list actually changes to leave the feedback UI in-place (rather than bouncing offscreen). Without this part, the UI is unintuitive. And once the loading is complete, the UI makes itself disappear.


通过考虑 google 的做和不做来简单点

Swipe-to-Refresh can be used to One-phased loading.We can use other type progress bars ie , circular etc for loading content for the first time and load and display all content at once or loading items when scrolls .




Fast Company did an interview 几年前与 Kevin Systrom 一起,当时 Instagram 添加了下拉刷新功能。他不喜欢这个主意。

Systrom feels the gesture, which enables mobile users to refresh their photo feeds with a simple tug of the thumb, is a superfluous addition to his app, a relic of another smartphone era. "I don’t believe there should be refresh buttons," he says.

您说得对,应用程序不需要提供手动刷新功能。我想说下拉刷新和其他用户启动的操作属于 return 代理给用户的界面类别,而不是依靠自动流程来完成任务——在这种情况下,刷新内容。


  • 如何获取新内容?
  • 此内容多久刷新一次?


Nielsen Norman Group wrote a post late last year about visibility of system status, particularly that progress indicators contribute to a positive user experience by reducing uncertainty. I'd extend this research to pull-to-refresh and related interfaces. Maintaining a user's ability to manually perform an action that fetches new content covers two of Nielsen's ten 可用性启发法 — 系统状态的可见性用户控制和自由
