
Incorrect distance being produced by my catapult game


速度是根据特定的用户输入密度计算的,因此也可能存在问题。我禁用了角度有效性检查并将触发角度设置为 90(这不会给我 0 距离)并且我得到了相当高的数字。



          cout << "Choose a material to launch:" << endl
               << "1) BIRCH WOOD (670 kg/m^3)\n2) ICE (917 kg/m^3)\n3) FLAMING COAL (1500 kg/m^3)\n4) ASBESTOS (2450 kg/m^3)" << endl;
          cin  >> materialChoice;
          materialChoice = int(materialChoice);
          while (materialChoice < 1 || materialChoice > 4)
                cout << "Please choose a valid material type:" << endl
                     << "1) BIRCH WOOD (670 kg/m^3)\n2) ICE (917 kg/m^3) 3) FLAMING COAL (1500 kg/m^3)\n4) ASBESTOS (2450 kg/m^3)" << endl;
                cin  >> materialChoice;
                materialChoice = int(materialChoice);

          switch (materialChoice)
          case 1:
               density = 670;
          case 2:
               density = 917;
          case 3:
               density = 1500;
               density = 2450;

          cout << "Now select a launch angle between 20 and 70 degrees:" << endl;
          cin  >> angleChoice;

          while (angleChoice < 20 || angleChoice > 70)
              cout << "Please select a valid launch angle between 20 and 70 degrees:" << endl;
              cin  >> angleChoice;

          cout << "Now select the radius of the projectile between 6 cm and 10 cm:" << endl;
          cin  >> radius;
          while (radius < 6 || radius > 10)
                cout << "Please select a valid radius for the projectile between 6 cm and 10 cm:" << endl;
                cin  >> radius;
          velocity = 360000.0/(density * radius);
          distance = 2 * sin(RADIAN * (angleChoice)) * velocity * cos(RADIAN * (angleChoice)) * velocity/9.8;

          cout << "The projectile goes flying! Press any number to check where it landed" << endl;
          cin  >> null;
          shortDiff = (abs(distance - 24));

RADIAN 的值应该是 PI/180
(PI radian)/(180 degrees)*(ANGLE in degrees) 将以 RADIAN 为单位给出结果。