N Boost 的组合 interval_set

Combinations of N Boost interval_set

我的一项服务在 4 个不同的位置出现中断。我正在将每个位置的中断建模到 Boost ICL interval_set 中。我想知道至少 N 个位置何时发生活动中断。

因此,在 this answer 之后,我实现了一个组合算法,因此我可以通过 interval_set 个交叉点在元素之间创建组合。

当这个过程结束时,我应该有一定数量的 interval_set,它们中的每一个同时定义 N 个位置的中断,最后一步将加入它们以获得所需的全貌.

问题是我目前正在调试代码,当打印每个交叉点的时间到来时,输出文本变得疯狂(甚至当我使用gdb逐步调试时),我可以看不到它们,导致大量 CPU 使用。


这是一个 SSCCE:

#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    // Initializing data for test
    std::vector<boost::icl::interval_set<unsigned int> > outagesPerLocation;
    for(unsigned int j=0; j<4; j++){
        boost::icl::interval_set<unsigned int> outages;
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<5; i++){
            outages += boost::icl::discrete_interval<unsigned int>::closed(
                (i*10), ((i*10) + 5 - j));
        std::cout << "[Location " << (j+1) << "] " << outages << std::endl;

    // So now we have a vector of interval_sets, one per location. We will combine
    // them so we get an interval_set defined for those periods where at least
    // 2 locations have an outage (N)
    unsigned int simultaneusOutagesRequired = 2;  // (N)

    // Create a bool vector in order to filter permutations, and only get
    // the sorted permutations (which equals the combinations)
    std::vector<bool> auxVector(outagesPerLocation.size());
    std::fill(auxVector.begin() + simultaneusOutagesRequired, auxVector.end(), true);

    // Create a vector where combinations will be stored
    std::vector<boost::icl::interval_set<unsigned int> > combinations;

    // Get all the combinations of N elements
    unsigned int numCombinations = 0;
        bool firstElementSet = false;
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<auxVector.size(); i++){
                    // First location, insert to combinations vector
                    firstElementSet = true;
                    // Intersect with the other locations
                    combinations[numCombinations] -= outagesPerLocation[i];
        std::cout << "[-INTERSEC-] " << combinations[numCombinations] << std::endl;  // The problem appears here
    while(std::next_permutation(auxVector.begin(), auxVector.end()));

    // Get the union of the intersections and see the results
    boost::icl::interval_set<unsigned int> finalOutages;
    for(std::vector<boost::icl::interval_set<unsigned int> >::iterator
        it = combinations.begin(); it != combinations.end(); it++){
        finalOutages += *it;

    std::cout << finalOutages << std::endl;
    return 0;



std::cout << "[-INTERSEC-] " << combinations[numCombinations] << std::endl;  // The problem appears here

我的调试器告诉我,在第一次迭代中,numCombinations 在增量之前是 0。但是增加它会使它超出 combinations 容器的范围(因为它只是一个元素,所以索引为 0)。


std::cout << "[-INTERSEC-] " << combinations.back() << "\n";

或者,对于 c++03

std::cout << "[-INTERSEC-] " << combinations[combinations.size()-1] << "\n";


std::cout << "[-INTERSEC-] " << combinations.at(numCombinations) << "\n";

哪个会抛出 std::out_of_range?

附带说明一下,我认为 Boost ICL 有 非常 更有效的方法来获得您想要的答案。让我考虑一下。如果我看到它,请 post 另一个答案。

UPDATE: Posted the show casing highlevel coding with Boost ICL


Boost ICL 容器不仅仅是 "glorified pairs of interval starting/end points" 的容器。它们旨在以普遍优化的方式实施 组合、搜索业务。



using TimePoint = unsigned;
using DownTimes = boost::icl::interval_set<TimePoint>;
using Interval  = DownTimes::interval_type;
using Records   = std::vector<DownTimes>;

使用功能域类型定义需要更高层次的方法。现在,让我们问一下假设的 "business question":

What do we actually want to do with our records of per-location downtimes?


  1. 计算所有可识别的时间段和
  2. 过滤那些计数至少为 2 的那些
  3. 最后,我们想展示剩余的 "merged" 个时段。


  1. 嗯。理货。它能有多难?

    ❕ The key to elegant solutions is the choice of the right datastructure

    using Tally     = unsigned; // or: bit mask representing affected locations?
    using DownMap   = boost::icl::interval_map<TimePoint, Tally>;


    // We will do a tally of affected locations per time slot
    DownMap tallied;
    for (auto& location : records)
        for (auto& incident : location)
            tallied.add({incident, 1u});
  2. 好的,我们来筛选。我们只需要在我们的 DownMap 上起作用的谓词,对

    // define threshold where at least 2 locations have an outage
    auto exceeds_threshold = [](DownMap::value_type const& slot) {
        return slot.second >= 2;
  3. 合并时隙!



    // just printing the union of any criticals:
    DownTimes merged;
    for (auto&& slot : tallied | filtered(exceeds_threshold) | map_keys)


std::cout << "Criticals: " << merged << "\n";

请注意,我们在任何地方都没有接近操纵数组索引、重叠或非重叠间隔、封闭或开放边界。或者,[eeeeek!] 集合元素的强力排列。



Live On Coliru

#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
#include <boost/icl/interval_map.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/numeric.hpp>
#include <boost/range/irange.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using TimePoint = unsigned;
using DownTimes = boost::icl::interval_set<TimePoint>;
using Interval  = DownTimes::interval_type;
using Records   = std::vector<DownTimes>;

using Tally     = unsigned; // or: bit mask representing affected locations?
using DownMap   = boost::icl::interval_map<TimePoint, Tally>;

// Just for fun, removed the explicit loops from the generation too. Obviously,
// this is bit gratuitous :)
static DownTimes generate_downtime(int j) {
    return boost::accumulate(
            boost::irange(0, 5),
            [j](DownTimes accum, int i) { return accum + Interval::closed((i*10), ((i*10) + 5 - j)); }

int main() {
    // Initializing data for test
    using namespace boost::adaptors;
    auto const records = boost::copy_range<Records>(boost::irange(0,4) | transformed(generate_downtime));

    for (auto location : records | indexed()) {
        std::cout << "Location " << (location.index()+1) << " " << location.value() << std::endl;

    // We will do a tally of affected locations per time slot
    DownMap tallied;
    for (auto& location : records)
        for (auto& incident : location)
            tallied.add({incident, 1u});

    // We will combine them so we get an interval_set defined for those periods
    // where at least 2 locations have an outage
    auto exceeds_threshold = [](DownMap::value_type const& slot) {
        return slot.second >= 2;

    // just printing the union of any criticals:
    DownTimes merged;
    for (auto&& slot : tallied | filtered(exceeds_threshold) | map_keys)

    std::cout << "Criticals: " << merged << "\n";


Location 1 {[0,5][10,15][20,25][30,35][40,45]}
Location 2 {[0,4][10,14][20,24][30,34][40,44]}
Location 3 {[0,3][10,13][20,23][30,33][40,43]}
Location 4 {[0,2][10,12][20,22][30,32][40,42]}
Criticals: {[0,4][10,14][20,24][30,34][40,44]}