
Insert a migration

故事是这样的。我们在使用 Entity Framework Code First 迁移的源代码控制中有一个产品。为了这个问题,有两个分支,开发和生产。目前开发分支有几个不在生产分支的迁移,但它们是从生产分支的最后一个迁移开始的。




我在合并来自不同开发人员的更改时处理过这个问题。在为这个答案做一些研究时,我遇到了 this handy article 这可能比我能更好地解释它。 las,你被我困住了。有几点需要注意:

  1. Entity Framework 不会每次都直接将数据库与您的 类 进行比较。相反,它比较它生成的 edmx 模型。

  2. 因此,您在尝试更新时会收到警告

Unable to update database to match the current model because there are pending changes and automatic migration is disabled…


最简单的方法是添加一个空白'merge migration'。以下是文章中的步骤:

  1. Ensure any pending model changes in your local code base have been written to a migration. This step ensures you don’t miss any legitimate changes when it comes time to generate the blank migration.

  2. Sync with source control.

  3. Run Update-Database to apply any new migrations that other developers have checked in.

    Note:if you don’t get any warnings from the Update-Database command then there were no new migrations from other developers and there is no need to perform any further merging.

  4. Run Add-Migration [pick_a_name] –IgnoreChanges (e.g. Add-Migration Merge –IgnoreChanges). This generates a migration with all the metadata (including a snapshot of the current model) but will ignore any changes it detects when comparing the current model to the snapshot in the last migrations (meaning you get a blank Up and Down method).