如何创建一个可延迟的倒计时消息框,它会触发 bat 文件

How do I create a Delayable count down msg box, which triggers bat file

您好,我正在尝试创建一个带有 "DELAY" 按钮的消息框如果用户没有按下延迟按钮,脚本将启动一个批处理文件(或命令)






@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
@echo off

for /f %%I in ('forfiles /p "%~dp0." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo 0x07"') do set "beep=%%I"
set /P "=%beep%"<NUL
set /P "=%beep%"<NUL
set /P "=%beep%"<NUL
set "task=agent.exe"
set "timeout=120"
rem // Is %task% running?
tasklist /fi "imagename eq %task%" | find /i "%task%" >NUL && (

    rem // Re-launch script with JScript interpreter
    wscript /e:JScript /nologo "%~f0" %timeout% || (
        rem // If timeout or user hits No, kill %task%
        taskkill /im "%task%" /f

rem // End main runtime

goto :EOF

rem // Begin JScript portion
var osh = WSH.CreateObject('WScript.Shell'),
    nag = 'Greetings!  Your administrator has requested you to log out of Touchstar '
        + 'after work.  It appears you are still using it.'
        + ' If you are still here, Press Yes to continue working.\n\n'
        + 'Otherwise, press no to close touchstar.'
        + 'Touchstar will close automatically in less than ' + WSH.Arguments(0) + ' seconds.';
    popup = osh.Popup(nag, WSH.Arguments(0), 'Are you still here?', 0x4 + 0x20 + 0x1000);
WSH.Quit(popup - 6);

感谢所有帮助创建此内容的人(对 Rojo 的大力支持)和所有回答的人。

挑战:接受。将其另存为 .bat 文件并运行它。

@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then

@echo off

set "task=cmd.exe"
set "timeout=60"

rem // Is %task% running?
tasklist /fi "imagename eq %task%" | find /i "%task%" >NUL && (

    rem // Re-launch script with JScript interpreter
    wscript /e:JScript /nologo "%~f0" %timeout% || (

        rem // If timeout or user hits No, kill %task%
        taskkill /im "%task%" /f

rem // End main runtime
goto :EOF

rem // Begin JScript portion

var osh = WSH.CreateObject('WScript.Shell'),
    noise = WSH.CreateObject('WMPlayer.OCX.7'),
    nag = 'Greetings!  Your administrator has requested you to log out of this '
        + 'application after work.  It appears you are still using the program.  If '
        + 'you are, in fact, not at your computer, please ignore this message.\n\n'
        + 'Otherwise, press Yes to continue working, or No to go ahead and close the '
        + 'application.  This message will self-destruct in ' + WSH.Arguments(0)
        + ' seconds.';

with (noise) {
    URL = osh.Environment('Process')('SYSTEMROOT') + '\Media\Windows Exclamation.wav';

popup = osh.Popup(nag, WSH.Arguments(0), 'Are you still here?', 0x4 + 0x20 + 0x1000);

WSH.Quit(popup - 6);

该脚本采用了 JosefZ 建议的 WshShell.Popup() 方法,非常简单明了。它使用 hybrid convention for including JScript within a batch script without having to use secondary / temporary files. It also employs conditional execution 来评估 findwscript.


WMPlayer.OCX.7 播放声音的想法来自 this answer

编辑: 我看到了你上面的编辑以及你努力将 ^G 包含在你的粘贴中。看一下这个。您可以像这样捕获一个变量的蜂鸣声:

@echo off

for /f %%I in ('forfiles /p "%~dp0." /m "%~nx0" /c "cmd /c echo 0x07"') do set "beep=%%I"
set /P "=%beep%"<NUL
set /P "=%beep%"<NUL
set /P "=%beep%"<NUL

... 将发出 3 声蜂鸣声而不回显新行。

将其另存为 .bat 文件:

@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then

@echo off
CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0"
if %errorlevel% equ -1 (
   echo The user NOT confirmed, proceed to auto-destruction!
) else (
   echo Continue normally...
goto :EOF


   "This program will proceed to auto-destruction\nunless you press OK in 10 seconds",
   10,"Popup Title",48))

10 是秒数,48 是显示的图标类型(在本例中为感叹号),但您可以按照说明进行修改 here

这是另一种纯 vbscript 解决方案,可让您监控多个应用程序。只要试一试,你就会明白我的意思。

Option Explicit
If AppPrevInstance() Then   
    MsgBox "There is an existing proceeding !" & VbCrLF & CommandLineLike(WScript.ScriptName),VbExclamation,"There is an existing proceeding !"    
        Call Main(Array("c:\toto1.bat","c:\toto2.bat","c:\toto3.bat","%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"))
        Call Pause(1) 'Sleeping for 1 minute
End If   
Sub Main(colProcessPaths)   
    Dim ProcessPath   
    For Each ProcessPath In colProcessPaths     
End Sub   
Sub CheckProcess(ProcessPath)   
    On error resume Next
    Dim Process,objWMIService,colProcesses,wshShell,btn,Timeout,User
    Dim ProcessName : ProcessName = StripProcPath(ProcessPath)   
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\.\root\cimv2")
    Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Commandline LIKE " & CommandLineLike(ProcessName))
    For Each Process in colProcesses    
        If colProcesses.Count > 0 Then
            Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
            User = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
            Timeout = 30 'Call the Popup method with a 30 seconds timeout.
            btn = WshShell.Popup("Hello "& DblQuote(User) & " !" & vbcr &_
            "Your Administrator has requested you to log out of this application after work. " & vbcr &_
            "We have detected you are still using the program : "& DblQuote(ProcessName) & vbcr &_
            "Please press on cancel button if you are still at your machine ?",Timeout,"Question", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion)
            Select Case btn
' Yes button pressed.
            case 1
' No button pressed.
            case 2
                Exit Sub
' Timed out.
            case -1
            End Select
            Exit Sub    
        End if 
End Sub   
Function AppPrevInstance()   
    With GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\.\root\cimv2")   
        With .ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE CommandLine LIKE " & CommandLineLike(WScript.ScriptFullName) & _
            " AND CommandLine LIKE '%WScript%' OR CommandLine LIKE '%cscript%'")   
            AppPrevInstance = (.Count > 1)   
        End With   
    End With   
End Function   
Sub Pause(Minutes)    
End Sub   
Function StripProcPath(ProcessPath)   
    Dim arrStr : arrStr = Split(ProcessPath, "\")   
    StripProcPath = arrStr(UBound(arrStr))   
End Function   
Function CommandLineLike(ProcessPath)   
    ProcessPath = Replace(ProcessPath, "\", "\")   
    CommandLineLike = "'%" & ProcessPath & "%'"   
End Function
Function DblQuote(Str)
    DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function