
Heap-free pimpl. Incorrect or superstition?

编辑:这个问题可以追溯到 C++17 之前。这些天 std::launder 或等效物应该添加到线路噪音中。我现在没有时间更新代码以匹配。


对此的标准解决方案是指向实现习语的指针,最有可能通过使用 unique_ptr 并仔细定义不符合实现的 class 析构函数来实现。

这不可避免地引起了对堆分配的担忧。我熟悉 "make it work, then make it fast"、"profile then optimise" 等智慧。网上也有文章,例如gotw,它声明明显的解决方法是脆弱且不可移植的。我有一个目前不包含任何堆分配的库 - 我想保持这种状态 - 所以我们还是来写一些代码吧。

#ifndef PIMPL_HPP
#define PIMPL_HPP
#include <cstddef>

namespace detail
// Keeping these up to date is unfortunate
// More hassle when supporting various platforms
// with different ideas about these values.
const std::size_t capacity = 24;
const std::size_t alignment = 8;

class example final
  // Constructors

  // Some methods
  void first_method(int);
  int second_method();

  // Set of standard operations
  example(const example &);
  example &operator=(const example &);
  example(example &&);
  example &operator=(example &&);

  // No public state available (it's all in the implementation)
  // No private functions (they're also in the implementation)
  unsigned char state alignas(detail::alignment)[detail::capacity];



我不确定这种 hackery 是否会在存在继承的情况下工作,但由于我不太喜欢接口中的继承,所以我不太介意。

如果我们大胆地假设我已经正确地编写了实现(我将把它附加到此 post,但此时它是一个未经测试的概念证明,所以这不是给定的),并且两者大小和对齐方式大于或等于实现的大小和对齐方式,那么代码是否表现出实现定义或未定义的行为?

#include "pimpl.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

// Usually a class that has behaviour we care about
// In this example, it's arbitrary
class example_impl
  example_impl(int x = 0) { insert(x); }

  void insert(int x) { local_state.push_back(3 * x); }

  int retrieve() { return local_state.back(); }

  // Potentially exotic local state
  // For example, maybe we don't want std::vector in the header
  std::vector<int> local_state;

static_assert(sizeof(example_impl) == detail::capacity,
              "example capacity has diverged");

static_assert(alignof(example_impl) == detail::alignment,
              "example alignment has diverged");

// Forwarding methods - free to vary the names relative to the api
void example::first_method(int x)
  example_impl& impl = *(reinterpret_cast<example_impl*>(&(this->state)));


int example::second_method()
  example_impl& impl = *(reinterpret_cast<example_impl*>(&(this->state)));

  return impl.retrieve();

// A whole lot of boilerplate forwarding the standard operations
// This is (believe it or not...) written for clarity, so none call each other

example::example() { new (&state) example_impl{}; }
example::example(int x) { new (&state) example_impl{x}; }


example::example(const example& other)
  const example_impl& impl =
      *(reinterpret_cast<const example_impl*>(&(other.state)));
  new (&state) example_impl(impl);

example& example::operator=(const example& other)
  const example_impl& impl =
      *(reinterpret_cast<const example_impl*>(&(other.state)));
  if (&other != this)
      new (&state) example_impl(impl);
  return *this;

example::example(example&& other)
  example_impl& impl = *(reinterpret_cast<example_impl*>(&(other.state)));
  new (&state) example_impl(std::move(impl));

example& example::operator=(example&& other)
  example_impl& impl = *(reinterpret_cast<example_impl*>(&(other.state)));
  assert(this != &other); // could be persuaded to use an if() here
  new (&state) example_impl(std::move(impl));
  return *this;

#if 0 // Clearer assignment functions due to MikeMB
example &example::operator=(const example &other) 
  *(reinterpret_cast<example_impl *>(&(this->state))) =
      *(reinterpret_cast<const example_impl *>(&(other.state)));
  return *this;
example &example::operator=(example &&other) 
  *(reinterpret_cast<example_impl *>(&(this->state))) =
          std::move(*(reinterpret_cast<example_impl *>(&(other.state))));
  return *this;

int main()
  example an_example;
  example another_example{3};

  example copied(an_example);
  example moved(std::move(another_example));

  return 0;



如果是,我将为 Valgrind 编写足够的测试以清除演示中的几个错误。感谢所有走到这一步的人!


但是,没有必要在您的赋值运算符中使用 placement new 和显式销毁。除了异常安全和更高效之外,我认为仅使用 example_impl:

//wrapping the casts
const example_impl& castToImpl(const unsigned char* mem) { return *reinterpret_cast<const example_impl*>(mem);  }
      example_impl& castToImpl(      unsigned char* mem) { return *reinterpret_cast<      example_impl*>(mem);  }

example& example::operator=(const example& other)
    castToImpl(this->state) = castToImpl(other.state);
    return *this;

example& example::operator=(example&& other)
    castToImpl(this->state) = std::move(castToImpl(other.state));
    return *this;

就个人而言,我也会使用 std::aligned_storage 而不是手动对齐的 char 数组,但我想那是个人喜好问题。