Google的App Engine SDK和Cloud SDK有什么关系?

What is the relationship between Google's App Engine SDK and Cloud SDK?

我正在开发 Google App Engine 应用程序,我遇到了对 App Engine SDK and a Cloud SDK 的引用。

这两个 SDK 之间有什么关系?

两者之间肯定有一些重叠。有一个 是他们两个。我可以 运行 使用 dev_appserver.pygcloud preview app run 的开发服务器。


Cloud SDK 似乎是两者中更通用的一个。但它是超集吗? IE。我可以使用 Cloud SDK 在 App Engine SDK 中做任何我能做的事情吗?


App Engine SDK 较旧,专为 App Engine 设计。

Cloud SDK 较新,其目标是涵盖其他(全部?)Google Cloud products, not only App Engine. So they definitely overlap in functionality from the App Engine's perspective. Specifically from this perspective the Cloud SDK appears not yet as mature and stable as the App Engine SDK. For example the gcloud preview portion is still at a BETA version


gcloud preview app - (BETA) manage your App Engine app

只要您的工作包含在 App Engine 环境中,您就可以根据需要选择其中之一。

如果您混合使用第三方工具或 IDE 集成,则暂时支持 App Engine SDK 的平衡提示(例如 PyCharm)。

我猜想 Google 最终会弃用 App Engine SDK 以支持 Could SDK,但到目前为止我还没有听到任何此类公告。 the (old) GAE Console - stuff being gradually migrated to the Developer Console.



The preferred tooling for managing your App Engine applications in PHP is now the Google Cloud SDK. The Google Cloud SDK includes a local development server as well as the tooling for deploying and managing your applications in App Engine. Optionally, you can also download the original App Engine SDK for PHP.Optionally, you can also download the original App Engine SDK for PHP.

虽然这是针对 PHP 的,但我相信其他语言也有类似的升级。