dpinst 静默签名驱动程序安装在 windows 7 上失败

dpinst silent signed driver installation fails on windows 7

尝试通过 dpinst(使用 /q)静默安装我的驱动程序在 windows 7 上失败,但在 8.1 和 10 上都有效。 驱动程序已签名,我已将我的证书添加到受信任的发布者列表中。

这是此处以及我发现的其他各种文章中推荐的方法。 dpinst / DifX won't install signed driver silently

在非静默模式下,dpinst 会提示信任发布者并安装驱动程序。 在静默模式下,它拒绝安装并给出此错误。

     sig:                Success: File is signed in Authenticode(tm) catalog.
     sig:                Error 0xe0000242: The publisher of an Authenticode(tm) signed catalog has not yet been established as trusted.
     sig:           {_VERIFY_FILE_SIGNATURE exit(0xe0000242)} 10:23:15.260
!!!  sto:           Driver package signer is unknown. Assuming untrusted signer. Error = 0x800F0242
!!!  ndv:           Driver package failed signature validation. Error = 0xE0000242
     sto:      {DRIVERSTORE_IMPORT_NOTIFY_VALIDATE exit(0xe0000242)} 10:23:15.260



附加信息:所有测试均在 64 位上完成,证书是普通代码签名而非 EV,我使用正确的交叉证书签名,我的证书是 SHA256,但我在 windows 上获得了补丁以支持它。

可能有点晚了,但是你安装了哪些补丁? KB3033929 is the required patch for sha256 on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. An additional problem I ran into, is even though I had installed my certificate as a trusted publisher, the installation was ignoring it. I would always get prompted to trust the publisher. To fix this issue there is an additional hotfix kb2921916。希望这对您或其他人有帮助。