在整个 Rails 4 个应用程序中记录自定义 New Relic 属性的正确方法

Proper way to record custom New Relic attribute across entire Rails 4 app

我正在使用 New Relic 监控我的 Rails 4.2 应用程序,它运行良好。

但是,当 New Relic 向我报告一个错误时,我希望能够知道哪个用户遇到了错误。

我读过 this,我相信它解释了如何在 每个控制器 的基础上添加自定义属性。

但是,就我而言,我想将 current_user.id 记录为整个 整个 应用程序的自定义属性。

我的第一个想法是将以下内容放入 applications_controller.rb:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

    :user_name => current_user.full_name rescue "Not a logged-in user.",
    :user_id => current_user.id rescue "Not a logged-in user."




我在上面所做的事情有两个问题。首先,我使用 rescue 不当。其次,我需要创建一个方法来添加这些自定义属性 并且 ApplicationController 中使用 before_filter 在一切之前调用该方法。这是最终对我有用的示例:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  # attempt to gather user and organization attributes before all controller actions for New Relic error logging
  before_filter :record_new_relic_custom_attributes

  def record_new_relic_custom_attributes
    # record some custom attributes for New Relic
    new_relic_user_id = current_user.id rescue "Not a logged-in user."
    new_relic_user_name = current_user.full_name rescue "Not a logged-in user."
    new_relic_user_email = current_user.email rescue "Not a logged-in user."
    new_relic_organization_id = current_organization.id rescue "Not a logged-in user."
    new_relic_organization_name = current_organization.name rescue "Not a logged-in user."
    new_relic_organization_email = current_organization.email rescue "Not a logged-in user."
      :user_id => new_relic_user_id,
      :user_name => new_relic_user_name,
      :user_email => new_relic_user_email,
      :organization_id => new_relic_organization_id,
      :organization_name => new_relic_organization_name,
      :organization_email => new_relic_organization_email

更新 2 根据下面的一位评论者,在这种情况下使用 rescue 并不理想,相反我应该使用 try:

new_relic_user_id = current_user.try(:id) || "Not a logged-in user."


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_filter :set_new_relic_user

  def set_new_relic_user
      :user_name => current_user.full_name rescue "Not a logged-in user.",
      :user_id => current_user.id rescue "Not a logged-in user."