调整列宽数组以适应 Bootstrap 网格系统

Adapt array of column widths to fit Bootstrap grid system

我正在将系统转换为 Bootstrap 网格,我遇到的问题是如何 将 PHP 中数组的当前宽度转换为最接近的/"best fit" 在 Bootstrap?

See phpfiddle demo

我的想法是让新的 Bootstrap 列宽基于旧值,遗憾的是旧数据库有一些我需要适应的奇怪值。以下是旧列宽和列数的字符串的六个示例;

  1. %30,%40,%30,% | 3
  2. %,%,%,% | 4
  3. 180,1070,, | 2
  4. 20,80,, | 2
  5. 75%,25%,20%, | 2
  6. ,,, | 1


// example of output from database
$numberOfColumnsFromDatabase = 3;
$stringFromDatabase = '%30,%40,%30,%';
// NOT WORKING as intended:
// 3 cols with string '%30,%40,%30,%'
// Working as intended:
// 2 cols with string '180,1070,,'
// 4 cols with string '%,%,%,%'
// 2 cols with string '75%,25%,20%,'
// 1 cols with string ',,,'
echo 'Original string: "'.$stringFromDatabase.'"'."\n";

// strip percentage and explode to array
$stringStripped = str_replace('%','',$stringFromDatabase);
$columnArrayOld = explode(",", $stringStripped);

// only use the amount of columns from database
$cols = $numberOfColumnsFromDatabase;
$arrayShortened = array_slice($columnArrayOld, 0, $cols);

// sum it up
$fullWidth = array_sum($arrayShortened);
echo 'Full width = '.$fullWidth."\n";

// valid Bootstrap widths
$arrayToSearch = array(8.3, 16.6, 25, 33.3, 41.6, 50, 58.3, 66.6, 75, 83.3, 91.6, 100);

// calculate % of full width
$columnArrayStripped = array();
$columnArrayNew = array();
if($fullWidth > 0){
  foreach($arrayShortened as $key => $value){
    if(array_key_exists($key, $arrayShortened)) {
      if ($columnArrayOld[$key] == '') {
      } else {
        $percentage = round($arrayShortened[$key]*10)/$fullWidth*10;
        $closest = getClosest($percentage,$arrayToSearch);
  //generate new equal width Bootstrap layout based on number of columns
  //but only if exploded array does not equal column number
  $columnArrayNew = array();
  if(count($columnArrayStripped) != $cols) {
    // if we cant retrieve widths
        $percentage = round(intval(1000/$cols))/10;
        array_push($columnArrayStripped, $percentage);
        array_push($columnArrayNew, $percentage.'%');

echo 'New clean string: "'.implode(',',$columnArrayStripped).'"'."\n";

echo 'New percentage string: "'.implode(',',$columnArrayNew).'"'."\n";

function getClosest($search, $arr) {
   $closest = null;
   foreach ($arr as $item) {
      if ($closest === null || abs($search - $closest) > abs($item - $search)) {
         $closest = $item;
   return $closest;


Original string: "%30,%40,%30,%"
Full width = 100
New clean string: "33.3,41.6,33.3"
New percentage string: "33.3%,41.6%,33.3%"

如您所见,33.3 + 41.6 + 33.3 大于 100%。我明白为什么结果是这样的,因为它的目标是最接近的,但是我怎样才能避免这样的问题呢?我的目标是使生成的字符串具有有效的 bootstrap 宽度,但总数必须在 99.7 和 100.3 之间。



这是我的解决方案 phpfiddle demo


if($fullWidth > 0){
  foreach($arrayShortened as $key => $value){
    if(array_key_exists($key, $arrayShortened)) {
      if ($columnArrayOld[$key] == '') {
      } else {
        $percentage = round($arrayShortened[$key]*10)/$fullWidth*10;
        $closest = getClosest($percentage,$arrayToSearch);
  echo 'Array sum: '.array_sum($columnArrayStripped)."\n";
  // if max value in array > 100, reduce max value with 8.3
  if(array_sum($columnArrayStripped) > 100){
    $maxKey = array_search(max($columnArrayStripped),$columnArrayStripped);
    if($maxKey) {
      $columnArrayStripped[$maxKey] -= $arrayToSearch[0];
      $columnArrayNew[$maxKey] = $columnArrayStripped[$maxKey].'%';