query.fromLocalDatastore() 是独占的吗?

Is query.fromLocalDatastore() exclusive?

当您将 .fromLocalDatastore 添加到 PFQuery 时,它是只查询本地数据存储,还是同时查询云?


Often, you'll want to find a whole list of objects that match certain criteria, instead of getting a single object by id. To do that, you can use a PFQuery. Any PFQuery can be used with the local datastore just as with the network. The results will include any object you have pinned that matches the query.

使用 .fromLocalDatastore() 的 PFQuery 查询未命中云。

原因是它的定义行为,但我也通过使用和不使用 .fromLocalDatastore() 的查询的网络监控验证了这一点。