
Composite primary Key and Data truncation error

我正在使用 Hibernate 和 MySql,今天我在我的 table 之一中设置了一个复合主键,如下所示:


这个实体是 OneToMany with SelfLearning:

这是我的 java 实体:

@Table(name = "defselflearning", catalog = "ats")
public class DefSelfLearning implements java.io.Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private DefSelfLearningKeys defSelfLearningKeys;
    private Ecu ecu;
    private String excelColumn;
    private Set<SelfLearning> selfLearnings = new HashSet<SelfLearning>(0);

    public DefSelfLearning() {

    public DefSelfLearning(DefSelfLearningKeys defSelfLearningKeys, Ecu ecu) {
        this.defSelfLearningKeys = defSelfLearningKeys;
        this.ecu = ecu;

    public DefSelfLearning(Ecu ecu, DefSelfLearningKeys defSelfLearningKeys, String excelColumn, Set<SelfLearning> selfLearnings) {
        this.ecu = ecu;
        this.defSelfLearningKeys = defSelfLearningKeys; 
        this.excelColumn = excelColumn;
        this.selfLearnings = selfLearnings;

    public DefSelfLearningKeys getDefSelfLearningKeys() {
        return this.defSelfLearningKeys;

    public void setDefSelfLearningKeys(DefSelfLearningKeys defSelfLearningKeys) {
        this.defSelfLearningKeys = defSelfLearningKeys;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "id_ecu", nullable = false)
    public Ecu getEcu() {
        return this.ecu;

    public void setEcu(Ecu ecu) {
        this.ecu = ecu;

    @Column(name = "excelColumn", length = 2)
    public String getExcelColumn() {
        return this.excelColumn;

    public void setExcelColumn(String excelColumn) {
        this.excelColumn = excelColumn;

    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "defSelfLearning")
    public Set<SelfLearning> getSelfLearnings() {
        return this.selfLearnings;

    public void setSelfLearnings(Set<SelfLearning> selfLearnings) {
        this.selfLearnings = selfLearnings;



public class DefSelfLearningKeys implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    protected String parName;
    protected String description;
    protected String note;

    public DefSelfLearningKeys() {}

    public DefSelfLearningKeys(String parName, String description, String note) {
        this.parName = parName;
        this.description = description;
        this.note = note;

    @Column(name = "parName", nullable = false, length = 15)
    public String getParName() {
        return this.parName;

    public void setParName(String parName) {
        this.parName = parName;

    @Column(name = "description", nullable = false, length = 100)
    public String getDescription() {
        return this.description;

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

    @Column(name = "note", nullable = false, length = 100)
    public String getNote() {
        return this.note;

    public void setNote(String note) {
        this.note = note;


@Table(name = "selflearning", catalog = "ats")
public class SelfLearning implements java.io.Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private int idSelfLearning;
    private Acquisition acquisition;
    private DefSelfLearning defSelfLearning;
    private String value;

    public SelfLearning() {

    public SelfLearning(int idSelfLearning, Acquisition acquisition, DefSelfLearning defSelfLearning) {
        this.idSelfLearning = idSelfLearning;
        this.acquisition = acquisition;
        this.defSelfLearning = defSelfLearning;

    public SelfLearning(int idSelfLearning, Acquisition acquisition, DefSelfLearning defSelfLearning, String value) {
        this.idSelfLearning = idSelfLearning;
        this.acquisition = acquisition;
        this.defSelfLearning = defSelfLearning;
        this.value = value;

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "id_selfLearning", unique = true, nullable = false)
    public int getIdSelfLearning() {
        return this.idSelfLearning;

    public void setIdSelfLearning(int idSelfLearning) {
        this.idSelfLearning = idSelfLearning;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "id_acquisition", nullable = false)
    public Acquisition getAcquisition() {
        return this.acquisition;

    public void setAcquisition(Acquisition acquisition) {
        this.acquisition = acquisition;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
          @JoinColumn(name = "id_parName", nullable = false),
          @JoinColumn(name = "id_description", nullable = false),
          @JoinColumn(name = "id_note", nullable = false)
    public DefSelfLearning getDefSelfLearning() {
        return this.defSelfLearning;

    public void setDefSelfLearning(DefSelfLearning defSelfLearning) {
        this.defSelfLearning = defSelfLearning;

    @Column(name = "value")
    public String getValue() {
        return this.value;

    public void setValue(String value) {
        this.value = value;

但是当我创建 defSelfLearning 时一切正常,但是当我创建 SelfLearning 时我收到 MysqlDataTruncation 异常:

Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'id_parName' at row 1


for (DefSelfLearning defSelfLearning:defSelfLearningList){
        SelfLearning selfLearning=new SelfLearning();
        String key = defSelfLearning.getExcelColumn()+index;
        String value = actualRowValues.get(key);
        selfLearning.setAcquisition(findByCarAndExcelRow(carServices.findById(acquisitionForm.getCar()), index));



这是 defSelfLearning 的第一行,也是代码失败的地方


这是第一个代码 java 调试的屏幕,失败:

您尝试在 "id_parName"

列中插入一个长度超过 15 的字符

在您的实体上,您必须在字段和 getter 之间做出选择。并且所有注释都应该在字段上,或者它们都应该在 getters 上,你不能混合这两种方法(除非你使用 @AccessType 注释)。 Hibernate / Jpa 将从 Id 上的注释中获取使用的方法。

将第一个可嵌入实体上的 @Id 更改为 @EmbeddedId 并确保它在 getter.

SelfLearning 错误映射了列 id_parName= id_description、id_description= id_note 和 id_note=id_parName,但为什么呢? 所以我读到:

When the JoinColumns annotation is used, both the name and the referencedColumnName elements must be specified in each such JoinColumn annotation.


@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
      @JoinColumn(name = "id_parName", referencedColumnName="parName", nullable = false),
      @JoinColumn(name = "id_description", referencedColumnName="description", nullable = false),
      @JoinColumn(name = "id_note", referencedColumnName="note", nullable = false)
public DefSelfLearning getDefSelfLearning() {
    return this.defSelfLearning;
