增加 Sprite ContainsPoint 大小

Increase Sprite ContainsPoint Size

我有一个精灵,它的大小已减小到 0.8。当我使用 sprite.ContainsPoint(touchLocation) 时,触摸仅在原始大小精灵的 0.8 范围内注册(这是有道理的)。然而,即使精灵已经缩小,我仍然希望触摸能够注册,就好像精灵仍然是完整大小(1.0)一样。以下是我当前的代码:

var button: SKSpriteNode!

func createButton() {

    button = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.redColor(), size: CGSizeMake(100, 100))
    button.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 1))


override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {

    let touch = touches.first as UITouch!
    let touchLocation = touch.locationInNode(self)

    if button.containsPoint(touchLocation) {

        print("touching within the button")




var button: SKSpriteNode!

func createButton() {

    button = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.redColor(), size: CGSizeMake(100, 100))
    button.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 1))


override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {

    let touch = touches.first as UITouch!
    let touchLocation = touch.locationInNode(self)

    let myButton = CGRectMake(button.position.x, button.position.y, button.size.width / 0.8, button.size.width / 0.8)
    //// the button.size / 0.8 should bring the size back to 1.0

    if myButton.containsPoint(touchLocation) {

        print("touching within the button")




您可以添加另一个 SKSpriteNode 作为按钮的子项,作为按钮的实际精灵,而按钮本身没有纹理或颜色。这样,您可以只减少子精灵节点,并在按钮本身内进行命中测试。


var button: SKSpriteNode!

func createButton() {
    button = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.clearColor(), size: CGSizeMake(100, 100))

    buttonSprite = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.redColor(), size: CGSizeMake(100, 100))
    buttonSprite.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 1))

override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
    let touch = touches.first as UITouch!
    let touchLocation = touch.locationInNode(self)

    if button.containsPoint(touchLocation) {
        print("touching within the button")