不需要的一个时钟延迟 vhdl

Unwanted one clock delay vhdl


entity outBit is
port(   clk1 : in STD_LOGIC; 
        clk2 : in STD_LOGIC;
      -- reset  : in STD_LOGIC;
        int_in : in INTEGER;
        bit_out : out STD_LOGIC); --_VECTOR of 32
end outBit ;

是我的实体,clk 1的每个上升沿都需要一个整数。根据它是什么整数(1、2、3、4 ...),它选择数组的相应行。该行是 32 位的。我想输出每个 clk2 的 32 位中的一位。例如,如果 clk1 = 100 那么 clk2 = 100/32.

architecture Behavioral of outBit is
signal temp : array; --the array is fixed
signal output_bits : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal bit_i : integer := 31; --outputting a single bit out of 32 each time

    temp(0) <= "11111111111111111111111111111111";
    temp(1) <= "11111111111111111111111111111110";
    temp(2) <= "11111111111111111111111111111100";
    -- etc 

output_bits <= temp(int_in);

      --outputting a single bit out of 32 each time
      --variable bit_i : integer := 31; 
        if rising_edge(clk2) then
          bit_out <= output_bits(bit_i);
          if bit_i = 0 then
            bit_i <= 31;
            bit_i <= bit_i - 1;
          end if;
        end if;
      end process;
end Behavioral;

不需要的延迟如下所示。我希望每 32 个周期读取新行(根据输入整数)等等....


如果您想摆脱 bit_out 延迟,请不要将其设为触发器:

library ieee;                      -- add missing context clause
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity outbit is
    port (
    --    clk1:       in  std_logic;  -- not relevant
        clk2:       in  std_logic;
     -- reset:      in  std_logic;
        int_in:     in  integer;
        bit_out:    out std_logic  --_vector of 32
end entity outbit;

architecture behavioral of outbit is
    type bit_array is array (0 to 3) of std_logic_vector(0 to 31); -- added
    signal temp : bit_array; --the array is fixed -- non_reserved word name
    signal output_bits : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    subtype index_int is  integer range 0 to 31;  -- changed bit_i type 
    signal bit_i: index_int := 31; --outputting a single bit out of 32 each time


    temp(0) <= "11111111111111111111111111111111";
    temp(1) <= "11111111111111111111111111111110";
    temp(2) <= "11111111111111111111111111111100";
    temp(3) <= "11011001110000110101001000101110"; -- added
    -- etc 

    output_bits <= temp(int_in);

      --outputting a single bit out of 32 each time
      --variable bit_i : integer := 31; 
        if rising_edge(clk2) then
         --  bit_out <= output_bits(bit_i);   -- moved
          if bit_i = 0 then
            bit_i <= 31;
            bit_i <= bit_i - 1;
          end if;
        end if;
      end process;

      bit_out <= output_bits(bit_i);           -- moved to here

end architecture behavioral;

将 bit_out 赋值移到时钟条件 if 语句之外。 (它可以是并发信号分配,代表一个 32:1 多路复用器)。

添加测试台完成一个Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity outbit_tb is
end entity;

architecture foo of outbit_tb is
    signal clk2:    std_logic := '1';
    subtype temp_index is integer  range 0 to 3;
    signal int_in:  temp_index := 3;
    signal bit_out: std_logic;
        wait for 5 ns;  -- so can multiply clocks in my head to get stop time
        clk2 <= not clk2;
        if now > 360 ns then
        end if;
    end process;
    entity work.outbit
        port map (
            clk2 => clk2,
            int_in => int_in,
            bit_out => bit_out
end architecture;
