GKGraph 使用 GKGraphNode2D 子类节点错误地计算路径
GKGraph Incorrectly Calculates Path with GKGraphNode2D-Subclassed Nodes
我开始用 调查这个问题,这个问题在 iOS 9.2 SDK 中得到了部分解决。
,在节点之间可以计算寻路成本和路径。 GKGraphNode2D
只是一个 GKGraphNode
,位于二维网格中并将其坐标封装起来。 GKGraphNode
可以被子类化,方法 costToNode(_:)
和 estimatedCostToNode(_:)
我正在构建我称之为 GeometricNode
的节点,其中节点之间的成本只是两个节点之间的距离(在二维坐标 space 中)。节点连接到 2D space 中的所有邻居,包括它们的对角线邻居。即,特定节点上方、下方、左侧和右侧的相邻节点距离 1
,而对角线相邻节点距离 sqrt(2) ~ 1.414
。这些成本是在覆盖方法 costToNode(_:)
和 estimatedCostToNode(_:)
在调用 findPathFromNode(_:toNode:)
代码 (Sample project)
@import UIKit;
@import Foundation;
@import GameplayKit;
@interface GeometricNode : GKGraphNode2D
@implementation GeometricNode
- (float)estimatedCostToNode:(GKGraphNode *)node {
NSAssert(([node isKindOfClass:[GeometricNode class]]), @"Must Use GeometricNode");
return [self geometricDistanceToNode:(GeometricNode *)node];
- (float)costToNode:(GKGraphNode *)node {
NSAssert(([node isKindOfClass:[GeometricNode class]]), @"Must Use GeometricNode");
return [self geometricDistanceToNode:(GeometricNode *)node];
- (CGFloat)geometricDistanceToNode:(GeometricNode *)node {
return sqrtf( powf(self.position[0] - node.position[0], 2) + powf(self.position[1] - node.position[1], 2) );
@import XCTest;
#import "GeometricNode.h"
@interface Graph_Node_TestTests : XCTestCase
@property (nonatomic, strong) GKGraph *graph;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray <GeometricNode *>* nodes;
@implementation Graph_Node_TestTests
- (void)setUp {
This is the graph we are creating:
| X | X |
where all of the nodes are `GeometricNode` objects.
The nodes' cost to each other is determined by simple geometry, assuming
the nodes are spaced in a grid all one unit away from their top-left-bottom-right
neighbors. Diagonal nodes are spaced sqrt(2) ~ 1.414 away from one another.
GeometricNode *nodeA = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){0, 0}];
GeometricNode *nodeB = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){1, 0}];
GeometricNode *nodeC = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){2, 0}];
GeometricNode *nodeD = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){2, 1}];
GeometricNode *nodeE = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){1, 1}];
GeometricNode *nodeF = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){0, 1}];
[nodeA addConnectionsToNodes:@[ nodeB, nodeF, nodeE ] bidirectional:YES];
[nodeC addConnectionsToNodes:@[ nodeB, nodeD, nodeE ] bidirectional:YES];
[nodeE addConnectionsToNodes:@[ nodeF, nodeD, nodeB ] bidirectional:YES];
[nodeB addConnectionsToNodes:@[ nodeF, nodeD ] bidirectional:YES];
self.nodes = @[ nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD, nodeE, nodeF ];
self.graph = [GKGraph graphWithNodes:self.nodes];
- (void)testNodeCosts {
| X | X |
We would expect, for example, the path from A to C to be A-B-C, at a cost of
2, to be chosen over a path of A-E-C, at a cost of 2.828.
Instead, GKGraph chooses this latter incorrect path.
GeometricNode *nodeA = self.nodes[0];
GeometricNode *nodeB = self.nodes[1];
GeometricNode *nodeC = self.nodes[2];
GeometricNode *nodeE = self.nodes[4];
XCTAssert([nodeA.connectedNodes containsObject:nodeB], @"Node A is connected to Node B");
XCTAssert([nodeB.connectedNodes containsObject:nodeC], @"Node B is connected to Node C");
XCTAssert([nodeA.connectedNodes containsObject:nodeE], @"Node A is connected to Node E");
XCTAssert([nodeE.connectedNodes containsObject:nodeC], @"Node E is connected to Node C");
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([nodeA costToNode:nodeB], 1, 0.001, @"Cost from A-B should be 1");
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([nodeB costToNode:nodeC], 1, 0.001, @"Cost from B-C should be 1");
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([nodeA costToNode:nodeE], sqrt(2), 0.001, @"Cost from A-E should be sqrt(2) ~ 1.414");
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([nodeE costToNode:nodeC], sqrt(2), 0.001, @"Cost from E-C should be sqrt(2) ~ 1.414");
// The actual path calculated by GKGraph, and the expected and actual (incorrect) paths
NSArray <GeometricNode *>* actualPath = [self.graph findPathFromNode:nodeA toNode:nodeC];
NSArray <GeometricNode *>* expectedPath = @[ nodeA, nodeB, nodeC ];
NSArray <GeometricNode *>* incorrectPath = @[ nodeA, nodeE, nodeC ];
// We would expect GKGraph to choose this lowest-cost path: A-B-C
CGFloat totalExpectedCost = [nodeA costToNode:nodeB] + [nodeB costToNode:nodeC];
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(totalExpectedCost, 2, 0.001, @"Lowest cost path cost should be 2");
// GKGraph is actually choosing this more costly path: A-E-C
CGFloat totalIncorrectCost = [nodeA costToNode:nodeE] + [nodeE costToNode:nodeC];
CGFloat totalActualCost = 0;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < actualPath.count - 1; i++) {
totalActualCost += [((GeometricNode *)actualPath[i]) costToNode:actualPath[i + 1]];
XCTAssert([actualPath isEqualToArray:expectedPath], @"Actual found path should be equal to A-B-C");
XCTAssert(![actualPath isEqualToArray:incorrectPath], @"Actual found path should not be equal to A-E-C");
XCTAssertGreaterThan(totalIncorrectCost, totalActualCost);
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(totalActualCost, totalExpectedCost);
从 Xcode 8.0 beta 1 (8S128d) 和 iOS 10 beta 1 (14A5261v) 开始,此问题似乎已解决。
,在节点之间可以计算寻路成本和路径。 GKGraphNode2D
只是一个 GKGraphNode
,位于二维网格中并将其坐标封装起来。 GKGraphNode
可以被子类化,方法 costToNode(_:)
和 estimatedCostToNode(_:)
我正在构建我称之为 GeometricNode
的节点,其中节点之间的成本只是两个节点之间的距离(在二维坐标 space 中)。节点连接到 2D space 中的所有邻居,包括它们的对角线邻居。即,特定节点上方、下方、左侧和右侧的相邻节点距离 1
,而对角线相邻节点距离 sqrt(2) ~ 1.414
。这些成本是在覆盖方法 costToNode(_:)
和 estimatedCostToNode(_:)
在调用 findPathFromNode(_:toNode:)
代码 (Sample project)
@import UIKit;
@import Foundation;
@import GameplayKit;
@interface GeometricNode : GKGraphNode2D
@implementation GeometricNode
- (float)estimatedCostToNode:(GKGraphNode *)node {
NSAssert(([node isKindOfClass:[GeometricNode class]]), @"Must Use GeometricNode");
return [self geometricDistanceToNode:(GeometricNode *)node];
- (float)costToNode:(GKGraphNode *)node {
NSAssert(([node isKindOfClass:[GeometricNode class]]), @"Must Use GeometricNode");
return [self geometricDistanceToNode:(GeometricNode *)node];
- (CGFloat)geometricDistanceToNode:(GeometricNode *)node {
return sqrtf( powf(self.position[0] - node.position[0], 2) + powf(self.position[1] - node.position[1], 2) );
@import XCTest;
#import "GeometricNode.h"
@interface Graph_Node_TestTests : XCTestCase
@property (nonatomic, strong) GKGraph *graph;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray <GeometricNode *>* nodes;
@implementation Graph_Node_TestTests
- (void)setUp {
This is the graph we are creating:
| X | X |
where all of the nodes are `GeometricNode` objects.
The nodes' cost to each other is determined by simple geometry, assuming
the nodes are spaced in a grid all one unit away from their top-left-bottom-right
neighbors. Diagonal nodes are spaced sqrt(2) ~ 1.414 away from one another.
GeometricNode *nodeA = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){0, 0}];
GeometricNode *nodeB = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){1, 0}];
GeometricNode *nodeC = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){2, 0}];
GeometricNode *nodeD = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){2, 1}];
GeometricNode *nodeE = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){1, 1}];
GeometricNode *nodeF = [[GeometricNode alloc] initWithPoint:(vector_float2){0, 1}];
[nodeA addConnectionsToNodes:@[ nodeB, nodeF, nodeE ] bidirectional:YES];
[nodeC addConnectionsToNodes:@[ nodeB, nodeD, nodeE ] bidirectional:YES];
[nodeE addConnectionsToNodes:@[ nodeF, nodeD, nodeB ] bidirectional:YES];
[nodeB addConnectionsToNodes:@[ nodeF, nodeD ] bidirectional:YES];
self.nodes = @[ nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD, nodeE, nodeF ];
self.graph = [GKGraph graphWithNodes:self.nodes];
- (void)testNodeCosts {
| X | X |
We would expect, for example, the path from A to C to be A-B-C, at a cost of
2, to be chosen over a path of A-E-C, at a cost of 2.828.
Instead, GKGraph chooses this latter incorrect path.
GeometricNode *nodeA = self.nodes[0];
GeometricNode *nodeB = self.nodes[1];
GeometricNode *nodeC = self.nodes[2];
GeometricNode *nodeE = self.nodes[4];
XCTAssert([nodeA.connectedNodes containsObject:nodeB], @"Node A is connected to Node B");
XCTAssert([nodeB.connectedNodes containsObject:nodeC], @"Node B is connected to Node C");
XCTAssert([nodeA.connectedNodes containsObject:nodeE], @"Node A is connected to Node E");
XCTAssert([nodeE.connectedNodes containsObject:nodeC], @"Node E is connected to Node C");
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([nodeA costToNode:nodeB], 1, 0.001, @"Cost from A-B should be 1");
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([nodeB costToNode:nodeC], 1, 0.001, @"Cost from B-C should be 1");
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([nodeA costToNode:nodeE], sqrt(2), 0.001, @"Cost from A-E should be sqrt(2) ~ 1.414");
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy([nodeE costToNode:nodeC], sqrt(2), 0.001, @"Cost from E-C should be sqrt(2) ~ 1.414");
// The actual path calculated by GKGraph, and the expected and actual (incorrect) paths
NSArray <GeometricNode *>* actualPath = [self.graph findPathFromNode:nodeA toNode:nodeC];
NSArray <GeometricNode *>* expectedPath = @[ nodeA, nodeB, nodeC ];
NSArray <GeometricNode *>* incorrectPath = @[ nodeA, nodeE, nodeC ];
// We would expect GKGraph to choose this lowest-cost path: A-B-C
CGFloat totalExpectedCost = [nodeA costToNode:nodeB] + [nodeB costToNode:nodeC];
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(totalExpectedCost, 2, 0.001, @"Lowest cost path cost should be 2");
// GKGraph is actually choosing this more costly path: A-E-C
CGFloat totalIncorrectCost = [nodeA costToNode:nodeE] + [nodeE costToNode:nodeC];
CGFloat totalActualCost = 0;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < actualPath.count - 1; i++) {
totalActualCost += [((GeometricNode *)actualPath[i]) costToNode:actualPath[i + 1]];
XCTAssert([actualPath isEqualToArray:expectedPath], @"Actual found path should be equal to A-B-C");
XCTAssert(![actualPath isEqualToArray:incorrectPath], @"Actual found path should not be equal to A-E-C");
XCTAssertGreaterThan(totalIncorrectCost, totalActualCost);
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(totalActualCost, totalExpectedCost);
从 Xcode 8.0 beta 1 (8S128d) 和 iOS 10 beta 1 (14A5261v) 开始,此问题似乎已解决。