为什么我应该让这个简单的 python 算法失败?

Why should I be failing this simple python algorithm?



Input{inStr: a binary string of bytes}
Output{outHash: 32-bit hashcode for the inStr in a series of hex values}
Mask: 0x3FFFFFFF
outHash: 0
for byte in input
intermediate_value = ((byte XOR 0xCC) Left Shift 24) OR
((byte XOR 0x33) Left Shift 16) OR
((byte XOR 0xAA) Left Shift 8) OR
(byte XOR 0x55)
outHash =(outHash AND Mask) + (intermediate_value AND Mask)
return outHash


Input = "Hello world!"
Mask = 0x3FFFFFFF
outHash = 0

for byte in Input:
    intermediate_value = ((ord(byte) ^ 0xCC) << 24) or ((ord(byte) ^ 0x33) << 16) or ((ord(byte) ^ 0xAA) << 8) or (ord(byte) ^ 0x55)
outHash =(outHash & Mask) + (intermediate_value & Mask)

print outHash

# use %x to print result in hex
print '%x'%outHash

对于输入"Hello world!",我应该看到输出为0x50b027cf,但我的输出太不一样了,看起来像;


OR 必须是按位或运算符 (|)。