
Check if items are overlapping

我有几个随机放置的房间,所以我必须检查房间是否重叠。这些房间的大小为 10x10,并且出于测试原因并排放置(它们在场景中不重叠)。 Floor 是一个由 1 个或多个变换组成的变换(在本例中是一个正方形,但对于其他形式,它可能是 2 个或更多)。

要检查它们是否重叠,我有这个不起作用的功能。调试日志总是介于 3 和 61 之间..

public bool Overlapping()
    //Lists for the position and of the size of each floor transform
    List<Vector3> positions = new List<Vector3>();
    List<Vector3> sizes = new List<Vector3>();
    //Check if floor consists out of more than 1 transform
    if (Floor.childCount > 0)
        foreach (Transform t in Floor)

    //Save old room pos and move it out of the way
    Vector3 position = this.transform.position;
    this.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);

    //Check if any floor transform would overlap
    for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++)
        //Make overlap box visible
        GameObject rec = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
        rec.transform.localScale = sizes[i];
        rec.transform.localPosition = positions[i];
        rec.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);

        //Returns the colliders which are overlapping
        if (Physics.OverlapBox(positions[i], sizes[i] / 2).Length > 0)
            Debug.Log(Physics.OverlapBox(positions[i], sizes[i] / 2).Length);
            //return this room to it's old position
            this.transform.position = position;
            return true;

    //return this room to it's old position
    this.transform.position = position;
    return false;

顺便提一下,任何阅读者 (2/2016) OverlapBox 是 Unity 刚刚添加到最新版本的全新调用。

编辑:按照 Joe 的建议,我制作了 OverlapBox 'visible',但它们的位置和大小似乎都正确(红色是我的房间, 灰色是对撞机).....

我现在开始工作了。每个 OverlapBox 都已正确放置,但它们仍然会发生碰撞,因为它们 'too close' 到对象。此更改修复了它:

if (Physics.OverlapBox(positions[i], new Vector3(sizes[i].x - 0.01f, sizes[i].y - 0.01f, sizes[i].z - 0.01f) / 2, rotations[i]).Length > 0)