使用 VBScript 的递归文件夹同步(镜像文件夹)

Recursive folder synchronization using VBScript (Mirror Folders)

我从来没有真正用 vbs 写过(曾经写过一个在启动时欢迎我的脚本)但我正在寻找一个脚本来执行 :

robocopy "folder1" "folder2" /MIR

目前我得到的是从这里复制的脚本 VBS Mirror,使用顶级脚本:

This code synchronizes the contents (files and subfolders) of two folders. Each folder is traversed recursively and any missing subfolders and files are copied both ways. If corresponding folders contain files with matching file names but with different time stamps, the file with the newest time stamp will overwrite the older.


Option Explicit

Dim wshArgs
Set wshArgs = Wscript.Arguments
If WshArgs.Count = 2 Then
  Call SyncFolders(WshArgs.Item(0), WshArgs.Item(1))
  ' Also run once in reverse to catch mismatching subfolder count:
  Call SyncFolders(WshArgs.Item(1), WshArgs.Item(0))
  Wscript.Echo("Wrong number of arguments. Syntax: SyncFolders Folder1 Folder2")
  Wscript.Sleep(3000) ' To allow Function syntax popup message to be seen.
End If

Sub SyncFolders(strFolder1, strFolder2)
  Dim objFileSys
  Dim objFolder1
  Dim objFolder2
  Dim objFile1
  Dim objFile2
  Dim objSubFolder
  Dim arrFolders
  Dim i
  Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  arrFolders = Array(strFolder1, strFolder2)
  For i = 0 To 1 ' Make sure that missing folders are created first:
    If objFileSys.FolderExists(arrFolders(i)) = False Then
      wscript.echo("Creating folder " & arrFolders(i))
    End If
  Set objFolder1 = objFileSys.GetFolder(strFolder1)
  Set objFolder2 = objFileSys.GetFolder(strFolder2)
  For i = 0 To 1
    If i = 1 Then ' Reverse direction of file compare in second run
      Set objFolder1 = objFileSys.GetFolder(strFolder2)
      Set objFolder2 = objFileSys.GetFolder(strFolder1)
    End If
    For Each objFile1 in objFolder1.files
      If Not objFileSys.FileExists(objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name) Then
        Wscript.Echo("Copying " & objFolder1 & "\" & objFile1.name & _
          " to " & objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name)
        objFileSys.CopyFile objFolder1 & "\" & objFile1.name, _
          objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name
        Set objFile2 = objFileSys.GetFile(objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name)
        If objFile1.DateLastModified > objFile2.DateLastModified Then
          Wscript.Echo("Overwriting " & objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name & _
            " with " & objFolder1 & "\" & objFile1.name)
          objFileSys.CopyFile objFolder1 & "\" & objFile1.name, _
            objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name    
        End If
      End If
  For Each objSubFolder in objFolder1.subFolders
    Call SyncFolders(strFolder1 & "\" & objSubFolder.name, strFolder2 & _
      "\" & objSubFolder.name)
  Set objFileSys = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ForceScriptEngine(strScriptEng)
  ' Forces this script to be run under the desired scripting host.
  ' Valid arguments are "wscript" or "cscript".
  ' The command line arguments are passed on to the new call.
  Dim arrArgs
  Dim strArgs
  For Each arrArgs In WScript.Arguments
    strArgs = strArgs & " " & Chr(34) & arrArgs & Chr(34)
  If Lcase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 12)) = "\wscript.exe" Then
    If Instr(1, Wscript.FullName, strScriptEng, 1) = 0 Then
      CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "cscript.exe //Nologo " & _
        Chr(34) & Wscript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34) & strArgs
    End If
    If Instr(1, Wscript.FullName, strScriptEng, 1) = 0 Then
      CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "wscript.exe " & Chr(34) & _
        Wscript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34) & strArgs
    End If
  End If
End Sub


Sub SyncFolders(strFolder1, strFolder2)

Sub SyncFolders(strC:\Users\Zac\Desktop\Folder, strW:\Folder)

并得到错误“Expected ')'



@echo off
Cscript /nologo SyncFolders.vbs "C:\Users\Zac\Desktop\Folder" "W:\Folder"

编辑: 如果你想避免这个批处理并使用 Cscript 引擎,试试这个:

Option Explicit
'You must only change the absolute paths of the two folders here
Call SyncFolders("C:\Users\Zac\Desktop\Folder","W:\Folder") 
'**********************Don't Change nothing below this line *****************************
Sub SyncFolders(strFolder1, strFolder2)
  Dim objFileSys
  Dim objFolder1
  Dim objFolder2
  Dim objFile1
  Dim objFile2
  Dim objSubFolder
  Dim arrFolders
  Dim i
  Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  arrFolders = Array(strFolder1, strFolder2)
  For i = 0 To 1 ' Make sure that missing folders are created first:
    If objFileSys.FolderExists(arrFolders(i)) = False Then
      'wscript.echo("Creating folder " & arrFolders(i))
    End If
  Set objFolder1 = objFileSys.GetFolder(strFolder1)
  Set objFolder2 = objFileSys.GetFolder(strFolder2)
  For i = 0 To 1
    If i = 1 Then ' Reverse direction of file compare in second run
      Set objFolder1 = objFileSys.GetFolder(strFolder2)
      Set objFolder2 = objFileSys.GetFolder(strFolder1)
    End If
    For Each objFile1 in objFolder1.files
      If Not objFileSys.FileExists(objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name) Then
        'Wscript.Echo("Copying " & objFolder1 & "\" & objFile1.name & _
        '  " to " & objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name)
        objFileSys.CopyFile objFolder1 & "\" & objFile1.name, _
          objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name
        Set objFile2 = objFileSys.GetFile(objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name)
        If objFile1.DateLastModified > objFile2.DateLastModified Then
          'Wscript.Echo("Overwriting " & objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name & _
          '  " with " & objFolder1 & "\" & objFile1.name)
          objFileSys.CopyFile objFolder1 & "\" & objFile1.name, _
            objFolder2 & "\" & objFile1.name    
        End If
      End If
  For Each objSubFolder in objFolder1.subFolders
    Call SyncFolders(strFolder1 & "\" & objSubFolder.name, strFolder2 & _
      "\" & objSubFolder.name)
  Set objFileSys = Nothing
End Sub